Finishes writing his memoir
"And what have I done in return? Very little. If friendships be a sign of good done, then I have done something, for among the Sisters whom I have seen enter and go out from Loretto I have many friends. and the thought is comforting that I may have had something to do with their ability to serve God and their fellow mortals better, and … the [season] of iniquity can be made a friend, a Burse [sic] founded at St. Thomas Seminary in Denver may spread that friendship, or its consequences, over many years and many souls, and through it I hope I have a share in the prayers and sufferings of the Church and her faithful children until God in His mercy will admit me to his presence where all prayers find their fruition in the Glory of God. Amen.
Loretto Motherhouse
Nerinx, Kentucky
August 21, 1933."
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