Ackley, Minnie, 4
Agnes, Sister (Irish Aunt), 59
Agnew, Patrick, 56
Alois, Schaefer, 66
Amette, Leon Adolphe, 55
Anti-Masonic Party, 6
Bachmann, Engelbert, 92
Badin, Father, 21
Barnburners, 6
Baroux, Rev. Louis, 10, 46, 47
Barron, Captain, 73
Bax, Fr., 71
Aerschot, 64
Brussels, 63
Cologne, 64
Diest, 63
Louvian, 51, 63
Berchmans, St. John, 64
Bertrand, 21
Blanvac, Abbe, 56
Boenger, Bishop, 55
Bonzana, Msgr., 94
Brady, Fr., 81
Brendel, Bishop, 88
Bridget, Sister, 53
Bromley, Dan, 4
Browne, John, 53, 57, 60, 61, 62
Bruches, Paul, 55
Bull Run (battle), 18
Bunbury, Dennis, 14
Burghardt, St., 67
Butler’s Catechism, 15
Camp, Fr., 81
Cappon, Father,
Early years as Howlett’s area priest in Michigan, 19, 20, 22, 46
Fr. Howlett revisits Fr. Cappon, 79
Carmichael, Mr. Daniel, 83
Carroll, Father, 3
Carry, Mr., 96
Cataldo, Father, 88
Cather, Willa, 92
Chambige, Father, 41, 42, 43, 44
Chivington, Colonel, 18
Clay, Henry, 3
Cleaveland, 1
Clifford, Mrs., 73
Cointet, Rev. Francis, 9, 10, 17
Brighton, 84
Capitol Hill, 35
Church of the Scared Heart, 76
Clear Creek, 39
Colorado City, 91
Dome Rock, 76
Georgetown, 74
Hartum, 85
Idaho Springs, 74
St. Ignatius Parish, 84
St. Thomas, 92
Sterling, 35, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87
Silver Plume, 74
Conroy, Bishop, 77
Conway, Father, 83
Cook, Mr. George, 96
Cooney, Father P. P., 45
Corrigan, George, 56
Coulter, Hon. John F. Coulter, 13
Coulter, Sarah, 13
Cozzens, Mr. & Mrs., 78
Crane, Eugene, 92
Cronin, Father, 97
Cullen, Father (future Cardinal), 45, 60
Cullinana, Father, 94
Cummings, Father, 89
Cummins, Father, 79
Dafrosa, Mother General, 72
DeChambord, Count, 55
DeCourmont, Abbes Negro, 55
DeFoville, Fr., 63
DeNeve, Rev. John
Background as a Belgian, 11
Religious education, Howlett’s first communion, 14-15
Treatment for “mental trouble,” 63
Deppen, Louis G. (later Fr.), 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 94
DeSales, St Francis, 20
DeSmet, Fr., 88
Devarauz, Judge, 72
Devoy, John, 81
Dickens, Charles, 57
District of Columbia
The Catholic University of America, 94
Congressional Library, 94
Smithsonian Institute, 94
The United States Capitol, 94
The White House, 94
Dloaney, Emory, 14
Dloney, Herbert, 14
Doyle, John (maternal uncle), 4
Doyle, William (maternal uncle), 5
Dwan, John, 15
Eddy, Sal, 4
Eis, Rev., 88
Equal Right Rights Party, 6
Eustace, Fr., 71
Farina, Johanna Maria, 65
Fidelia, St., 70
Fitch, General, 19
Flaget, Bishop, 46, 47, 48, 92
Flood, Father, 89
Flynn, Father, 11
Fontanel, Father, 70
Fort Sumter (battle), 18
Brest, 52
Havre, 52
Issy-sur-Seine, 52
Paris, 51
Norte-Dame-des-Victories, 63
Versailles, 53
Free Soilens, 6
Augsburg, 70
Castle of Rheinstein, 68
Munich, 70
Speyer, 68
Wiesbaden, 68
Worms, 68
University of Wuetzburg, 63, 66
Gibbons, Cardinal James, 94
Gibbs, Mr., 8
Gillen, Paul, 5
Gramich, Herr, 66
Greeley, Horace, 4
Gutro, Mayor, 89
Hamilton, Mr., 74
Hanna, Most Rev. Edward J., 6
Hender, Rev. Frederick, 87
Hennset, Fr., 20
Herod, 67
Hettinger, Rev. Dr, Franz, 63, 65, 66, 67
Hickey, Rev. (Fr.), 84
Hilpisch, Fr., 68
Hogan, Abbe, 55
Hogarty, William, 92
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 25
Howlett, Ann (Sister), 5
Howlett, Bridget (Sister), 5
Howlett, Catherine (Sister), 5, 14
Howlett, Ellen (Sister), 5
Howlett, James (Brother), 5, 38, 82
Howlett, James (Uncle), 58
Howlett, Joanna (Sister), 5, 14
Howlett, John (Brother), 5, 17
Howlett, Martin (Brother), 5, 16, 38
Howlett, Mary (paternal aunt), 5
Howlett, Thomas (Brother), 5, 38
Huff, Charley, 9
Burlington, 30
Chicago, 4
Galesburg, 30
Joliet, 30
LaSalle, 30
Mississippi River, 30
Ottawa, 30 ​​​​​​
Indian Reservation
Mocko, 88
Michigan City, 20
Notre Dame, 9, 45
Valparaiso, 30
Farmington, 30
Iowa River, 30
New Melleray, 31
Cork, 59
Dublin, 58
Glaenevin Cemetery, 58
Kildare County, 4
Kingstown, 58
Wexford County, 4
Irish immigrant families, 6
Rome, 51
Jacksonian Democracy, 17
Jenkins, Rev. J., 79
John the Baptist, St., 83
Johnson, Rev., 75
Jones, Eliza, 25
Joseph, Father, 20
Joseph, Sister Mary, 50
Kahn, Mr. Jerry, 68
Hays City, 41
Kass, Fr., 67
Kelly, Mr. John, 48
Bardstown, 40, 43, 47, 71
Franklin, 71
Lebanon, 71
Louisville, 43
Nazareth, 71
New Haven, 71
St. Thomas’ Seminary, 40
Killian, St., 67
King Henry V of France, 55
Kkluxes/KKK, 43
Knapp, 2
Know-Nothings (anti-Catholic political party), 13, 55
Koch, Father, 87
Lambert, John J., 97
Leboulays, Mr., 53
Lefebvre, Bishop, 15
Listen, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 73, 74
Locofocos, 6
Lords, Jarvis, 4
Luther, 68
MacCluskey, Canon, 56
Machebeuf, Marius, 70
MacMorrough, Dermod, 58
Maes, Bishop, 96
Manix, Thomas, 14
Manning, Cardinal, 59
Mannix, Pat, 22
Marcy, William L., 7
Annapolis, 94
Baltimore, 94
Fort McHenry, 94
United States Naval Academy, 94
Massillion, Jean-Baptiste, 93
Matz, Fr. (Bishop)
Fr. Matz, 72, 75, 76, 79, 83
Bishop Matz becomes mentor and employer to Howlett, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96
Bishop Matz death, 97
Mavitt, Ann, 1
Machebeug, Marius, 70
McDonnell, Fr. James, 96
McGrath, Fr. Thomas, 73, 74, 76
McHale, Archbishop, 60
McKenna, Fr., 48
McMahon, Marshal, 55
McNamara, Father, 56
Melody, Michael, 92
Cassapolis, 8
Detroit, 8
Dowagiac, 8 ​​
Kalamazoo, 20, 45
Niles, 11
Vandalia, 30
Kansas City, 42
St. Louis, 71, 72, 79
Woberly, 42
Moselein, Dr. Mark, 81
Monica, Sister (Irish Aunt), 59
Stevensville, 88
Moron, Rev., 85
Morris, Paddy, 56
Mortara, Father, 55
Mortars, Rev., 55
Murray, Msgr., 92
Fort Kearney, 31
Kansas City, 31
Leavenworth, 31
Lincoln, 31
Nebraska City, 31​​​​​​​
Omaha, 31​​​​​​​
Platte River, 34, 35
St. Joseph, 31​​​​​​​
Neff, Alonzo, 9
Nelligan, Mr. Michael, 83
Newman, Rev. Philip, 59
New York
Buffalo, 5
Cartersville, 2
Monroe County, 1
Rochester, 2
Nicholas, Throwbridge, 2
Nis, Father, 91
Norris, Mr, 25
Nourion, Alcide, 51
Nourion, Fr. H., 51​​​​​​​
O’Callaghan, Msgr. Denis, 90
O’Connell, Daniel, 60
O’Connor, Bishop, 77
O’Donnell, Sr. Aquinata, 94
O’Keeffe, Mr., 42
O’Mahoney, Fr. John, 59
O’Neil, Fr., 43
O’Reilly, Rev. Bernard, 2
O’Reilly, Rev. P., 79
Odelin, Abbe, 56
Old Hunders, 7
Order of the Priests of the Holy Cross, 5, 9, 10, 11​​​​​​​, 12
Parker, Theodore, 1
Perche, Archbishop, 55
Perryville (battle), 19
Philomene, St. Mary, 70
Pinotti, Rev., 77
Pius XI, 67
Pleises, Joe, 79
Pottawottamie Indians, 8
Praxedes, Mother General, 94, 96
Presentation Order, 5​​​​​​​
Priest of the Holy Cross at Notre Dame, 11
Purcell, Archbishop, 45
Raverdy, Rev. John B., 37, 38, 40, 51, 76
Reed, Rev. Myron, 85
Reitmeyer, Fr. Vincent, 69, 70, 72, 76
Rieley, Fr., 90
Riley, J. Whitcomb, 25
Riordan, Fr., 45
Roller, Betsy Ann, 1
Rosswinkel, Father, 82
Roy, Father, 45
Russell, Rev. David, 44
Russell, Msgr., 94
Ryan, Maggie, 14
Sand Creek (battle), 18
Shiloh (battle), 18
Scanlon, Bishop, 90
Schilling, Father, 11
Schormoyer, Mr., 41
Semple, Henry Churchill, 49
Seward, William H., 7
Shaw, Mary, 14
Shaw, Sarah, 14
Shea, Father, 79
Sisters of Charity, 41, 47, 49, 50, 72
Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross
history and descriptions of mission, 38, 47, 72, 95, 96
Howlett’s sister becoming a Sister, 10, 53, 71
opening schools and hospitals, 40, 41, 73
Howlett’s experiences leading the Sisters’ community, 43, 66, 94, 97
Smith, Father Thomas A., 38
Snow, Rev., 75
Sorin, Fr. Edward, 9
Spalding, Fr. Ben, 63
Stanford, Mrs., 89
Stanley, Mr., 96
Steiner, Father, 20
Sterling, 86
Stunteback, Father, 43
Nashville, 71
Theodora, Sr. (sister), 71
Tilden, Samuel J., 71​​​​​​​
Tinen, Bishop, 97
Tolton, Fr. Augustine [Augustus], 86
Touring Speakers, 13
Uncle Tom (Uncle Tom’s Cabin), 43, 66
United Kingdom
London, England, 57
Holyhead, Wales, 58
Urula, St., 65
Ursula, Sister, 59
VanQuechelberg, Father Charles, 20
Victoria, Queen, 57
vonStein, Rev. Dr., 67
Wagner, Fr. John, 77
Walsh, Rev. Michael, 42
Walsh, Mr. Patrick, 96
Walsh, Mrs. P.T., 96
Walsh, Walter, 96​​​​​​​
Williams, Ann (paternal grandmother), 5
Williams, Harry (paternal great-uncle), 5​​​​​​​
Wilson, Woodrow, 94
Wolcott, Mr., 5​​​​​​​
Woods, Tom, 19
Work, Dr. Nubert, 85
Wyler, Fr. Walter, 59
Young, Brigham, 90​​​​​​​