Klallam Grammar

Appendix B: Tables of Klallam Pronouns

Intransitive subject pronouns (§1.1)
     Singular      Plural
1       ____  cn‘I’       ____  st‘we’
2       ____  cxʷ‘you’       ____  cxʷ hay‘you folks’
3        Ø‘he, she, it’        Ø‘they’

Transitive subject pronouns (§1.2)
     Singular      Plural
1       ____  cn‘I’       ____  st‘we’
2       ____  cxʷ‘you’       ____  cxʷ hay‘you folks’
3        -s‘he, she, it’        -s‘they’

Subordinate subject pronouns (§13)
     Singular      Plural
1       -ən‘I’       -əɬ‘we’
2       -əxʷ‘you’       -əxʷ  hay‘you folks’
3        -əs‘he, she, it’       -əs ‘they’

Possessive prefixes and suffixes (§5.1)
     Singular      Plural
1       nə-‘my’       -ɬ‘our’
2       ʔən̓-‘your’       ʔən̓-    hay‘you folks’’
3        -s‘his, hers, its’        -s‘their’

Object pronouns: -t and -istxʷ verbs (§7.1, §40.1)
     Singular      Plural
1       -c‘me’       -úŋɬ‘us’
2       -c‘you’       -c  hay‘you folks’
3        Ø‘him, her, it’        Ø‘them’

Object pronouns:  -nəxʷ,  -txʷ, and ‑nəs verbs (§7.2, §40.2, §54.1)
     Singular      Plural
1       -úŋəs‘me’       -úŋɬ‘us’
2       -úŋə‘you’       -úŋə  hay‘you folks’
3        Ø‘him, her, it’        Ø‘them’

Object pronouns: -as verbs (§40.4)
     Singular      Plural
1       -ŋíŋəs‘me’       -ŋíŋɬ‘us’
2       -ŋíŋə‘you’       -ŋíŋə  hay‘you folks’
3        Ø‘him, her, it’        Ø‘them’

Object pronouns:  -táx verbs (§54.2)
     Singular      Plural
1       -áŋəs‘me’       -áŋɬ‘us’
2       -áŋə‘you’       -áŋə  hay‘you folks’
3        Ø‘him, her, it’        Ø‘them’

Object pronouns:   -sít verbs  (§45.2)
     Singular      Plural
1       -cəŋ‘me’       -úŋɬ‘us’
2       -cəŋ‘you’       -cəŋ  hay‘you folks’
3        Ø‘him, her, it’        Ø‘them’

Focus pronouns (§15)
     Singular      Plural
1       ʔə́c‘I’       ɬníŋɬ‘we’
2       nə́kʷ‘you’       nə́kʷ hay‘you folks’
3       níɬ‘he, she, it’       níɬ‘they’

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