Klallam Grammar

46 Reflexive, Noncontrol Middle, and Contingent

This section covers three common and useful intransitive suffixes. You have already met the ‑ct/‑cút reflexive in §11.1. In that early section it was mentioned that there are uses of this suffix other than to refer to oneself. Those other uses are covered in §46.1.

Also in §11.1 it was mentioned that there are other ways of getting across the idea of ‘self’ in Klallam. We saw one of those other ways in §44.1, where the ‘middle’ suffix can be interpreted as ‘self.’ There is another suffix that can occasionally be interpreted as ‘self.’ This other suffix is the ‘noncontrol middle,’ which is covered in §46.2. The third suffix of this section is similar to the ‘noncontrol middle’ but is never interpreted as ‘self.’ It is covered in §46.3.

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