Klallam Grammar

Appendix M: Vocabulary

This is a list of words introduced in the models, exercises, and qʷiʔnəwi of this grammar. Each Klallam word is given with a short English gloss, not a definition. Look up these words in the Klallam Dictionary for a full definition and examples of usage.

ʔá oh
ʔaʔáʔyəŋ at home
ʔaʔčšíti exchange
ʔáʔčšt change it
ʔáʔčx̣ crab
ʔáʔiŋ house
ʔaʔiyə́m̓ small strong
ʔaʔkʷúsc teach me/you
ʔaʔkʷúst advise someone
ʔaʔk̓ʷín what time
ʔáʔmət sitting
ʔaʔstúʔŋət doing what
ʔaʔtútəŋ sleepy
ʔáʔyəŋ house
ʔaʔyít lend it
ʔaʔyítəŋ be lent
ʔáa yes
ʔaatətáa my goodness!
ʔáɬaʔ here
ʔanəná oh no
ʔápələs apple
ʔapələsíɬč apple tree
ʔáw not
ʔáwə not
ʔáwənə not exist
ʔáwətəŋ be rejected
ʔawətúŋəs refuse me
ʔáwətxʷ reject it
ʔáx̣əŋ say/do
ʔáynəkʷ today
ʔéʔɬən eating
ʔéʔɬən̓ eating
ʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ Elwha
ʔéʔtt sleeping
ʔée hey
ʔəc̓ás put it on
ʔəɬčə́x̣ half
ʔəɬənísc feed me/you
ʔəɬənístəŋ be fed
ʔəɬənistúŋɬ feed us
ʔəɬənístxʷ feed someone
ʔəɬkʷátə quarter
ʔəmətáw̓txʷ toilet
ʔənʔá come
ʔənʔánəs come after it
ʔənʔánəsəŋ be come after
ʔənʔanəsŋúŋə come after me/you
ʔənʔáxʷ bring it
ʔənəq̓íx̣ black
ʔə́ŋaʔc give me/you
ʔəŋaʔtúŋɬ give us
ʔəpənáʔitxʷ ten dollars
ʔəpənáy ten people
ʔəpəníkʷs ten of a kind
ʔəpəníɬč ten plants
ʔəsʔəttáw̓txʷ hotel, dormitory
ʔəsʔíɬən got food
ʔəsc̓áx̣ɬ worn out
ʔəsháhək̓ʷɬ remembered
ʔəsk̓ʷác̓ɬ crooked
ʔəskʷán lost
ʔəsk̓ʷásɬ counted
ʔəskʷáʔət in the stern
ʔəslakəlín locked
ʔəsɬáx̣ʷɬ straight
ʔəsƛ̓áq̓ʷɬ stuck
ʔəsƛ̓úʔƛ̓əm̓ correct
ʔəsmácɬ fat
ʔəsmáq̓ɬ satiated
ʔəsnát night
ʔəsp̓áɬɬ sober
ʔəsqə́nəxʷ greedy
ʔəsqiʔám̓ unable
ʔəsqʷáɬ on the beach
ʔəssáy̓siʔ be afraid
ʔəstákʷɬ broken
ʔəst̓áŋ̓k̓ʷ mixed in
ʔəsxʷáɬ be down
ʔəsxʷnaʔnáʔyaʔŋəs smiling
ʔəsx̣áʔəs bad
ʔəsx̣áčɬ dried, preserved
ʔəsx̣ʷan̓íŋ how, way
ʔəsx̣ʷəníŋ̓ how, way
ʔəsyác̓ɬ full
ʔəsyáyaʔ ready
ʔə́š ugh, disgusting
ʔətúttxʷ put someone to sleep
ʔəx̣ín where
ʔəx̣ín̓ where
ʔəx̣taʔsít fix it for someone
ʔəx̣taʔsítəŋ be fixed for
ʔəx̣téʔt fix it
ʔəycɬtáyŋxʷ people
ʔiʔánəŋ know how
ʔiʔcút get better
ʔiʔícən Morse Creek
ʔiʔínəs Ennis Creek
ʔiʔsəwáʔ go along with
ʔiʔsəwaʔtúŋə take you along
ʔiʔtáŋə enjoy you
ʔiʔtáxʷ enjoy it
ʔíc̓əŋ dress
ʔíčənə hey
ʔíh oops
ʔíɬən eat
ʔíɬəntxʷ let it eat
ʔínət say what
ʔínnt say what
ʔíst paddle
ʔístəŋ be done with
ʔistúŋə do what with you
ʔistúŋəs do what with me
ʔistúŋɬ do what with us
ʔístxʷ do what with it
ʔíš gosh, shoo, hush
ʔítt sleep
ʔíx̣ʷt gather it to clear
ʔiyá there
ʔiyáʔ there
ʔiyám̓ strong
ʔíycən edge
ʔíyəqsən point of land
ʔncqʷáʔmən reddish
ʔsƛ̓úʔƛ̓əm correct
ʔúʔəx̣ʷ going to
ʔuʔúʔ first begin
ʔunú outstanding
ʔúpən ten
ʔút̓ stretch
ʔúx̣ʷ go to
ʔúx̣ʷnəs go to it
ʔúx̣ʷnəsəŋ be gone after
ʔúx̣ʷtxʷ take it there
ʔux̣ʷtxʷsít take for someone
ʔúyɬ go aboard
cáčc aunt/uncle
cán who
cáyə that one
cáys hand
ccéʔyəɬ lakes
ccíɬəŋ standing
céʔət put it up
céʔɬəŋ̓ standing
cəʔít put it up
cəʔít true
cəŋcáŋ twice
cəŋənát Tuesday
cəw̓níɬ the, that one
cəy̓áčc aunts/uncles
cícɬ high
cíɬəŋ stand
cúcən mouth
cúŋ go inland
cúŋtxʷ carry it up
cút in case
c̓áʔ upon
c̓aʔcítən table
c̓áʔkʷ washed
c̓aʔkʷátəŋ be washed
c̓áʔkʷc wash you/me
c̓aʔkʷéʔqʷt wash someone’s head
c̓áʔkʷəŋ wash
c̓aʔkʷíŋəɬ do laundry
c̓aʔkʷsáʔitxʷ seven dollars
c̓aʔkʷsáy seven people
c̓aʔkʷsɬšáʔ seventy
c̓áʔkʷt wash it
c̓áʔkʷtəŋ be washed
c̓áʔpc bothering me/you
c̓ac̓maʔcút man’s name
c̓ápt distract someone
c̓áq̓ʷəŋ rotten
c̓čə́ct wake up
c̓čnáŋ be awakened
c̓čnáxʷ wake someone
c̓éʔc̓əm̓ bird
c̓éʔiŋ ascend, go up
c̓éʔxʷəŋ̓ chills
c̓éʔyəŋ ascend, go up
c̓ələ́yu win
c̓ə́q̓ʷ dirt
c̓ə́q̓ʷc̓q̓ʷ dirty
c̓íŋi near
c̓íŋiʔ near
c̓ísən nail
c̓íxʷəŋ chilly
c̓kʷsíɬč seven plants
c̓úʔkʷs seven
c̓uʔkʷsáɬ seven times
c̓uʔkʷsɬnát seven nights
c̓úm̓əčən copper
čʔiyá from there
čaʔhiyáʔ just go
čáʔsaʔ two people
čaʔyíkən chickens
čáčc aunt/uncle
čáʔčt making it
čaʔčsíc making it for me/you
čaʔčsít making for someone
čaʔnúʔ extremely
čáčt make it
čánəs move it
čáni move
čániʔ move
čáqʷɬ on fire
čáy work
čáyči diligent, busy
ččát make it
ččínəs teeth
čəná my goodness!
čəníŋəɬ plant
čən̓ʔíɬən time to eat
čən̓háʔnəŋ November
čən̓k̓ʷáʔyəs summer
čən̓líluʔ May
čən̓máʔəxʷ April
čən̓shəyí December
čən̓sútč winter
čən̓sx̣ʷiy̓ús springtime
čən̓sx̣ʷús springtime
čən̓táŋ when
čən̓t̓áqaʔ August
čə́qʷ burn
čə́saʔəs two days
čə́saʔs second
čəw̓ín̓ even so
čəyáy almost
čəy̓íkən chickens
c̓əy̓ísən nails
c̓əy̓c̓sítiʔ boxing
čiʔánəŋ year
čiʔánəxʷ salmon (pl)
čiʔáqɬ yesterday
čiʔáw pass
čiʔčiʔk̓ʷáʔsəŋ November
čičəy̓íqʷtən Sasquatch
číkən chicken
číx̣ʷt breaking it up
čiyánəxʷ Becher Bay
čiyáy almost
čkʷút shoot it
čqánkʷs stubborn
čqcút get big
čqʷə́yu start the fire
čsáʔitxʷ two dollars
čsáw̓txʷ two houses
čsə́yu pitch, throw
čsíkʷs two animals
čsíɬč two plants
čšaʔcántxʷ who get from
čšaʔəx̣ín from where
čšaʔəx̣íntxʷ get from where
čtáʔc asking me/you
čtát ask someone
čtátəŋ be asked
čúkʷs use it
čúkʷt shoot it
čúxʷəŋ sour
čúxʷəŋ̓ sour
č̓aʔč̓éʔiɬ short
č̓áŋ̓ arrive home
č̓c̓úst hug someone
č̓c̓ústi hug each other
č̓ixʷáŋ be put inside
č̓ixʷás put inside
č̓ixʷícən Port Angeles
č̓ixʷístxʷ bring it in
č̓ixʷnás go in on someone
č̓ixʷŋíŋə get me/you in
č̓íx̣əŋ bitter
č̓úsəŋ displeased
haʔhúʔpt small deer
háʔk̓ʷ remember
háʔnəŋ thank
haʔpí  sad
háʔsəŋ̓ sneezing
háhək̓ʷ remembering
háhək̓ʷnəs remember it
hák̓ʷ remember
héyəŋ fall off
həwíyŋ return
híc long time
hiyáʔ go
hiyáʔtəŋ be taken
hiyaʔtúŋə take you
hiyaʔtúŋɬ take us
hiyaʔtúŋəs take me/you
hiyáʔtxʷ take it
híyəŋ fall off
hiyí live
hiyíct come to life
húʔ if
húʔpt deer
húʔquʔ Hoko River
húhaʔpt fawn
húy only
húy̓ goodbye, probably
kapú coat
kʷaʔčéy̓ early morning
kʷaʔkʷáʔnəŋət run a little
kʷaʔšə́q sigh
kʷaʔwəntiʔíct fighting over it
kʷáčəŋ yell
kʷáči day
kʷán lost
kʷánəŋət run
kʷánəŋt run
kʷánəs throw it away
kʷápi coffee
kʷáy hide
kʷáyəs hide it there
kʷčaŋəsít yell for
kʷčáŋət yell to someone
kʷənáŋəc help me/you
kʷənáŋəct help self
kʷənáŋəɬ help, support
kʷənáŋənəŋ be helped
kʷənáŋənəxʷ help someone
kʷənaŋənúŋə help you
kʷənaŋənúŋəs help me
kʷənaŋənúŋɬ help us
kʷənáŋət help someone
kʷənáŋətəŋ be helped
kʷənáŋəti help each other
kʷənaŋətúŋɬ help us
kʷənáyɬ Quinault
kʷəšú pig
kʷəw̓níɬ the, that (invisible)
kʷiʔúsc spill on me/you
kʷiʔúst pour it on
kʷiʔustúŋɬ spill on us
kʷínti fight
kʷítšən spring salmon
kʷkʷáʔ later
kʷɬhíc long time ago
kʷɬníɬ now
k̓ʷás scorch
k̓ʷást toast it
k̓ʷát̓ən rat
k̓ʷát̓ən̓ rat
k̓ʷəč̓əc̓áw̓txʷ village up Elwha
k̓ʷənáʔitxʷ how much money
k̓ʷənáɬ how often
k̓ʷənáw̓txʷ how many houses
k̓ʷənáy how many people
k̓ʷənəcút look at oneself
k̓ʷənəsít look at for someone
k̓ʷənəstə́nəq show off
k̓ʷəníkʷs how many kinds
k̓ʷəníɬč how many plants
k̓ʷənɬnát how many days
k̓ʷənnúŋə see you/me
k̓ʷənsít look at for someone
k̓ʷənúŋə see you/me
k̓ʷənúŋəs see me/you
k̓ʷín how many
k̓ʷk̓ʷíyčən grizzlies
k̓ʷsátəŋ be scorched
k̓ʷsə́nəq preach
k̓ʷssíc count for me/you
k̓ʷssícəŋ count for you
k̓ʷssít count for someone
k̓ʷssitúŋɬ count for us
k̓ʷsúcən burn mouth
k̓ʷúyəkʷ fishhook
ləklí key
ləmətú sheep
ləmləmətú sheep (pl)
lisák sack
ɬaʔkʷáct get away
ɬákʷəŋ flavorless
ɬat̓íq̓əŋ hot
ɬáw̓ flee
ɬcú at beach
ɬc̓ínəŋ be cut
ɬc̓ítəŋ be cut
ɬčíkʷs tired
ɬəŋás detach it
ɬəŋéʔqʷt decapitate it
ɬə́x̣ʷəyu steer
ɬíc̓ct cut oneself
ɬíc̓nəxʷ cut it accidentally
ɬic̓núŋəs cut me accidentally
ɬíc̓t cut it
ɬíp̓ct flopping around
ɬitúst sprinkle it
ɬíxʷ three
ɬk̓ʷíct hook oneself
ɬníŋɬ we
ɬníŋɬtxʷ let us
ɬqáy̓č̓ moon
ɬq̓áčš five
ɬq̓cín̓ opposite side
ɬq̓čšáʔitxʷ five dollars
ɬq̓čšáɬ five times
ɬq̓čšáw̓txʷ five houses
ɬq̓čšáy five people
ɬq̓čšíkʷs five animals
ɬq̓čšíɬč five plants
ɬq̓čšɬnát Friday
ɬq̓čšɬšáʔ fifty
ɬuʔísti elope
ɬúɬp̓ slurping
ɬúp̓ slurp
ɬúy get left
ɬúyəs leave it
ɬxʷáʔitxʷ three dollars
ɬxʷáɬ three times
ɬxʷáw̓txʷ three houses
ɬxʷáy three people
ɬxʷíkʷs three of a kind
ɬxʷíɬč three plants
ɬxʷɬnát Wednesday
ɬxʷɬšáʔ thirty
ƛ̓áʔcuʔ trolling
ƛ̓aʔƛ̓éʔq̓iʔ near
ƛ̓aʔƛ̓əwáys Sekiu
ƛ̓aʔƛ̓úƛ̓aʔ small
ƛ̓ácu troll for fish
ƛ̓áčɬ deep, at the bottom
ƛ̓áɬəŋ salt
ƛ̓áqt long
ƛ̓áy also
ƛ̓áy̓ also
ƛ̓čaʔəwíyəŋ get under
ƛ̓čístxʷ sink it
ƛ̓ə́č under
ƛ̓əm̓éʔqʷ bump head
ƛ̓əm̓éʔqʷc bump my/your head
ƛ̓əm̓éʔqʷnəxʷ bump someone’s head accidentally
ƛ̓əm̓éʔqʷt bump someone’s head
ƛ̓əm̓úcən bumped on mouth
ƛ̓ə́q̓ʷ get stuck
ƛ̓ə́q̓ʷƛ̓q̓ʷ sticky
ƛ̓ə́x̣ʷƛ̓x̣ʷ oyster
ƛ̓əy̓aʔƛ̓úƛ̓aʔ small (pl)
ƛ̓iʔq̓ə́yuʔ typing
ƛ̓íƛ̓əw̓ escaping
ƛ̓iƛ̓úyəqs boxes
ƛ̓íw̓ escape
ƛ̓kʷcísti shake hands
ƛ̓kʷíc hold me/you
ƛ̓kʷít hold it
ƛ̓kʷnáŋ be taken
ƛ̓kʷnáxʷ get it
ƛ̓kʷníŋ be held
ƛ̓kʷníxʷ hold it
ƛ̓kʷnúŋə catch you
ƛ̓kʷtíŋ be held
ƛ̓q̓ʷtúy̓ stick together
ƛ̓úƛ̓aʔ small
ƛ̓úm correct
ƛ̓úyəqs box
ƛ̓x̣ʷáy̓ dog salmon
maʔmúʔsməs small cow
mán̓ very
məčúcən Metchosin
məhúy̓ basket
məq̓ʷúʔəs Smyth Head
məsínəŋ be sorted
məsítəŋ be sorted
mə́šču mink
məy̓úsmus cattle, cows
míməq̓ full belly (pl)
mimə́šču Mink (the story character)
mím̓xʷtən sleeping lady mountains
mísc choose me/you
mísnəxʷ choose it
misnúŋə choose you
míst choose it
mitúliyə Victoria
múʔuqʷ duck
muhúy̓ basket
músməs cow
músmus cow
náʔc̓əw̓txʷəŋ̓ go visiting
náʔc̓uʔ one person
naʔnáʔyəŋ small laugh
náč̓əwəč hundred
nát name it
nátəŋ be named
néʔ exist
nəc̓áw̓txʷ one house
nəc̓áxʷ once
nəc̓íkʷs one person
nəc̓íɬč one plant
nəc̓ɬnát one night
nəčəŋístxʷ make someone laugh
nəmá holy
nəxʷʔač̓úst wipe the face
nəxʷcəʔítqən honest
nəxʷc̓áʔkʷt wash it inside
nəxʷč̓iyaʔyéʔwən resentful
nəxʷq̓éʔyət Little Boston
nəxʷsčáŋkʷən tough
nəxʷsƛ̓áy̓əm Klallam
nəxʷsƛ̓ay̓əmúcən Klallam language
nəxʷščánkʷən tough
nəxʷtə́q always closed
níɬ it is, they are
níɬtxʷ let it be
nuʔás put in
nuʔəcísən glove
ŋaʔk̓ʷaʔcút wait
ŋəsáʔitxʷ four dollars
ŋəsáɬ four times
ŋəsáw̓txʷ four houses
ŋəsáy four people
ŋəsíkʷs four of a kind
ŋəsíɬč four plants
ŋəsɬnát Thursday
ŋəsɬšáʔ forty
nuʔnáčc repay me/you
ŋáʔŋaʔ bait
ŋə́n̓ct become many
ŋús four
paʔpéʔšpš kitten
páʔyət boats
pəx̣ʷéʔ just now
pəy̓úxʷən sails
pícəŋ slip
pípə paper
píšpš cat
pstə́nəq jealous
púʔqʷɬč devil’s club
púkʷ book
pút boat
p̓áʔəct try, attempt
p̓áʔət try it
p̓p̓áʔt start to try it, give it a try
p̓p̓íwiʔ flounders
qaʔqiʔám̓ weak
qaʔqiʔcə́y̓ rabbit
qán̓ steal, rob
qán̓qən̓ thief
qáqən̓ stealing
qatáy Port Townsend
qəm̓át ask for it
qəm̓sít beg someone
qəm̓sítəŋ be asked for
qiʔcíy̓ rabbit
qinúŋət angry
qiqə́y sorry
qqímuʔ Pillar Point
q̓áʔŋi girl
q̓áʔŋiʔ girl
q̓aʔq̓áʔŋi small girl
q̓aʔq̓án̓əɬ slow
q̓aʔyústəŋ be paid
q̓əyúst pay someone
q̓íyt noon
q̓taʔáw̓əɬ go around
qʷánsəŋ be called to
qʷáqʷi talking
qʷáqʷiʔ talking
qʷáy talk
qʷə́ɬ drift ashore
qʷínəcən whiskers
qʷɬáy̓ log
qʷúʔ water
qʷúʔəŋ get water
q̓ʷáy̓ believe
q̓ʷəŋəyúsc lend me/you
q̓ʷəŋəyúst lend to someone
q̓ʷəyíŋəɬ cook
q̓ʷəyíyəš dance
q̓ʷiq̓ʷúʔəŋ kelp (pl)
q̓ʷq̓ʷíyən̓ ears
q̓ʷq̓ʷúʔəŋ̓ kelp
q̓ʷúčt beating someone up
q̓ʷúy die
sʔács face
sʔəɬənáw̓txʷ restaurant
sʔíc̓əŋ clothes
sʔíɬən food
sáʔənəŋ be lifted
sáʔənəxʷ manage to lift it
saʔənúŋɬ manage to lift us
sáʔət lift it
sáʔətəŋ be lifted
saʔətúŋɬ lift us
sác order me/you
sác̓əŋ breathe
saplín bread
sáqɬ outside
sáqʷəŋ sweet
sát order someone
sátəŋ be ordered
satúŋɬ order us
sáwqəŋ whisper
sáy̓siʔ afraid
scáxʷcxʷ lazy
scəŋənát Tuesday
scx̣áč hip
sc̓úm̓ bone
sčáʔčaʔ friend
sčaʔq̓aʔítən east Freshwater Bay
sčánənəxʷ salmon
sčánnəxʷ salmon
sčáy job
sčənčánnəxʷ salmon (pl)
sčəyáɬ salmon chowder
sčiʔánəŋ year
sčiʔəkʷɬnát Monday
séʔyaʔ grandparent
səmíxʷ silent
səmúst sell to someone
sháhək̓ʷ remembering
siʔáɬ Seattle
siʔám̓ high class
síq̓i heavy
sisíyaʔ grandparents
síx̣ʷəŋ wade
síyaʔ grandparent
skʷáʔ own
skʷáʔət in the stern
skʷáči day
skʷáqəŋ flower
skʷúl school
sk̓ʷk̓ʷíyəc slaves
sk̓ʷtúʔ raven
slapúʔ witch
sləhál slahal, bone game
sɬániʔ woman
sɬániʔct become a woman
sɬáx̣ʷɬ straight
sɬənɬániʔ women
sɬíqʷ flesh
sƛ̓áyəqəm monster
sƛ̓éʔ want
sƛ̓ƛ̓íwən̓ earrings
smaʔmáʔyəc small elk
smáʔyəʔəc small elk
smác̓ən skunk
smánəš tobacco
sná name
snaʔnáʔxʷɬ small canoe
snəxʷɬáyɬ go by canoe
snúʔnəkʷ ghost
sŋáʔnətct turning to stone
sŋánt stone
sŋiyáw̓ɬč Dungeness, fir trees
spəy̓ún spoons
spún spoon
sqaʔqáʔx̣aʔ small dog
sqaʔyáx̣aʔ dogs
sqás put outside
sqáwc potato
sqáx̣aʔ dog
sqáx̣aʔct turn into a dog
sqéyŋ go outside
sqəyáyŋxʷ tree
sqəy̓áx̣aʔ dogs
sqiʔám̓ unable
sqiyáyŋəxʷ tree
sqíyəŋ go outside
sqíyŋ go outside
sq̓əm̓ə́yu Saturday
sqʷáy language
sqʷəŋqʷúŋəɬč alder trees
sqʷəy̓úŋəɬč alder trees
sqʷúŋəɬč alder
sq̓ʷaʔqʷéʔyəɬ Port Discovery
sq̓ʷəyáyŋxʷ blackberry
sq̓ʷəyiʔáʔən̓ deaf (pl)
sq̓ʷəy̓úŋiʔ heads
sq̓ʷiʔáʔən̓ deaf
sq̓ʷúŋiʔ head
sséʔyaʔ grandparent
ssímiʔ blankets
stáʔčəŋ wolf
staʔtúʔwiʔ creek
staʔyákən̓  socks
stáŋ what
stətíɬəm Jamestown
stitúʔwi rivers
stímə ferry
stúʔwi river
stúʔwiʔ river
stútaʔwiʔ creek
stúyaʔwiʔ rivers
st̓áčəŋ tide
st̓áqaʔ liver
st̓əŋánəŋ drop accidentally
st̓íx̣ʷaʔc̓ octopus
st̓íyəm song
st̓íym song
suʔəcísən finger ring
súɬ door
suwáʔwəs young men
swéʔwəs boy, young man
swə́y̓qaʔ man
swə́y̓qaʔct become a man
sxʷʔáʔmət bed
sxʷʔáɬaʔ where it is
sxʷʔiyá where it is
sxʷc̓q̓ʷús dirty face
sxʷčkʷíyəŋ Sequim
sxʷimáy store
sxʷíxʷəkʷ rumps
sxʷk̓ʷúŋən throat
sxʷɬáx̣ʷ jellyfish
sxʷtaləháy purse
sxʷtaləháyəsən glasses
sx̣áʔəs bad
sx̣áʔəstxʷ dislike it
sx̣cáʔəy̓ hay, grass
sx̣éʔc̓i ashamed
sx̣əy̓kʷəyéʔč mountains
sx̣ɬáw̓txʷ hospital
sx̣x̣ínaʔ feet
sx̣ʷáx̣ʷc̓ snake
sx̣ʷəníŋ way
sx̣ʷəníŋ̓ way
sx̣ʷiʔám̓ story
sx̣ʷúpč October
sx̣ʷús spring
šáʔš thirsty
šaʔšúʔɬ glad
šč̓náŋ be hit
šč̓náxʷ hit it
šč̓núŋə hit you
šéʔtəŋ̓ coveting
šəmán enemy
šəštə́ŋ start to walk
šə́wi grow
šə́wiɬ grown up
šítəŋ covet
štə́ŋ walk
štəŋístxʷ walk it
šúʔpt whistling
šúpt whistle
swaʔwéʔwəs small boy
šxʷimáy store
táʔcs eight
taʔcsáʔitxʷ eight dollars
taʔcsáɬ eight times
taʔcsáw̓txʷ eight houses
taʔcsáy eight people
taʔcsíkʷs eight animals
taʔcsíɬč eight plants
taʔcsɬnát eight nights
taʔcsɬšáʔ eighty
taʔtáʔlə a little money
táči arrive here
tákʷs buy it
takʷsít buy for someone
tálə money
tán mother
táŋən evening
táwn town
tčínəs arrive for
tčínəsəŋ be arrived for
təčístəŋ be brought here
tə́kʷ break
təkʷxʷáw̓txʷ nine houses
təkʷxʷɬnát nine days/nights
tələháw̓txʷ bank
təntínəqsən mallards
təŋ̓áʔəŋ̓ craving
tə́q closed
təqʷúʔmaʔ Tacoma
təy̓án mothers
tíntən bell
tíxʷɬc tongue
tíy tea
tkʷáyŋəxʷ Freshwater Bay
tkʷnáŋ be broken
tkʷnáxʷ break it
tkʷúɬ break completely
tkʷxʷáʔitxʷ nine dollars
tkʷxʷáɬ nine times
tkʷxʷáy nine people
tkʷxʷíkʷs nine animals
tkʷxʷíɬč nine plants
tkʷxʷɬšáʔ ninety
tsáyə that (feminine)
tšéʔqʷəŋ comb
túʔq̓ʷəŋ̓ coughing
túʔx̣ʷ exactly
túq̓ʷəŋ cough
twaw̓ʔáx̣əŋ suddenly
txʷʔáx̣əŋ̓ go toward
txʷʔúx̣ʷ go toward
txʷcán whose
txʷcántxʷ whose is it
tx̣ʷín go where
tx̣ʷín̓ go where
tx̣ʷín̓txʷ where take it
t̓áʔŋən missing
t̓ákʷi go across
t̓áwiʔ arm
t̓əcʔəsnát midnight
t̓əŋúʔəŋ swim
t̓ə́ŋ̓k̓ʷ mix among
t̓ə́qʷəm̓ thimbleberry
t̓əqʷəm̓íɬč thimbleberry plant
t̓ə́x̣ mistake
t̓əy̓áqaʔ salal berries
t̓iq̓úst wave at someone
t̓iq̓sáy̓s waving
t̓iq̓ústəŋ be waved at
t̓it̓ə́x̣ backslide
t̓íyəm sing
t̓iyəmtásc sing to me/you
t̓iyəmtástəŋ be sung to
t̓iyəmtásti sing to each other
t̓iyəmtástxʷ sing to him/her/them
t̓íym sing
t̓k̓ʷísc take me/you home
t̓úk̓ʷ go home
t̓úk̓ʷtxʷ let someone go home
t̓ut̓áwiʔ arms
t̓út̓k̓ʷ going home
t̓x̣əŋáʔitxʷ six dollars
t̓x̣əŋáɬ six times
t̓x̣əŋáy six people
t̓x̣əŋíkʷs six animals
t̓x̣əŋíɬč six plants
t̓x̣əŋɬnát Saturday
t̓x̣əŋɬšáʔ sixty
t̓x̣ə́ŋuʔtxʷ six houses
wáʔ go with
waʔwəsáy̓s barking
waʔwəsə́yuʔ barking
waʔx̣wəx̣ɬcítəŋ̓ March
wíqs yawn
xʷáʔəm hungry
xʷáč̓ be between
xʷám̓xʷəm̓ lonesome
xʷanítəm white person
xʷanitəmúcən speak English
xʷáŋ get down
xʷéʔtəŋ̓ jumping
xʷə́č̓ wedge in
xʷəyəmsícəŋ sell for me
xʷəyəmsít sell for someone
xʷítəŋ jump
xʷíyəŋ descend
xʷkʷás lower it
xʷúyəm sell
x̣aʔyəčáʔčɬč cedar trees
x̣aʔyəpáy̓ cedar (pl)
x̣áčəŋ dry
x̣áčnəŋ be dried
x̣áčnəxʷ dry it
x̣áčt dry it
x̣áčtəŋ be dried
x̣áɬ sick, hurt
x̣áƛ̓ windy
x̣ačnúŋə dry you
x̣áyk̓ʷs raccoon
x̣čáy̓s study
x̣číc know me/you
x̣čít know it
x̣čnáŋ be figured out
x̣čnáxʷ figure it out
x̣čníŋ be figured out
x̣čnúŋə figure you
x̣čŋín thought
x̣čtíŋ be known
x̣č̓ít scratch it
x̣éʔc̓i ashamed
x̣éʔəw̓əs small new
x̣ənʔátəŋ be told
x̣ənʔác say to you/me
x̣ənʔáxʷ say to someone
x̣ənʔətúŋɬ say to us
x̣ən̓áɬ always
x̣əyəsít write to someone
x̣əy̓əpáy̓ cedar (pl)
x̣iʔəsít write to someone
x̣iʔə́yu write
x̣íč̓t scratching it
x̣ɬéʔqʷ headache
x̣ɬtáŋə pity you
x̣ɬtáŋəs pity me
x̣ɬtáŋɬ pity us
x̣ɬtáxʷ pity someone
x̣ŋínt Clallam Bay
x̣páy̓ cedar
x̣pay̓íɬč cedar tree
x̣t̓cáʔyəs lingcod eggs
x̣ʷaʔyúŋən throats
x̣ʷéʔləm rope
x̣ʷənáŋ manner
x̣ʷiʔam̓úst tell someone a story
x̣ʷíyŋ Bentinck Island
x̣ʷúʔŋət paddle
x̣ʷúŋ cry
x̣ʷúŋən neck
yaʔsít prepare for someone
yáʔt take it
yéy̓ far
yəcúsc tell me/you
yəcúst tell someone
yəcústəŋ be told
yəx̣ʷáŋ be freed
yəx̣ʷás free it
yəx̣ʷəŋíŋə free you
yəx̣ʷəŋíŋəs free me/you
yəx̣ʷəŋíŋɬ free us

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