Klallam Grammar

54 Objects of Intent, Emotion, Direction, and Success

In this section you will learn about four more transitivizers. You already know about eight other transitivizers if you have carefully completed §7, §40, §45.1, and §45.2. Transitivizers in Klallam are suffixes that allow you to add a direct object. Take a minute now to go back to these four sections and review those patterns. It would also help to review §44 on participant roles.  Here is a summary of the transitivizers you have learned so far:
‑ət                patient object, subject in control (§7.1)
‑nəxʷ             patient object, subject not in control (§7.2)
‑stəxʷ            cause an animate object (§40.1)
‑txʷ               cause an inanimate object (§40.2)
‑txʷ               let an object (§40.3)
‑as               put an object (§40.4)
‑ust              recipient object (§45.1)
‑sít               beneficiary object (§45.2)

The four new (and final) transitivizers are:
‑nəs              intent object
‑táxʷ             emotion object
‑tástxʷ          direction object
‑íŋət             success object

Now we will explain what these mean and how to use these suffixes.

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