Klallam Grammar

17 Conjunction: ‘And/with,’ ‘but/without,’ and ‘or’

Conjunction is when two words or phrases are joined together. English has several small words used for this purpose, such as ‘and,’ ‘but,’ and ‘or.’

Klallam has one multipurpose conjunction: ʔiʔ. This little word is used in meanings like ‘and’ and ‘but,’ and it is also used in many cases where English uses ‘with.’ Actually ʔiʔ can be used in a number of ways that do not translate directly into English. In §17.1 we  cover the basic use of ʔiʔ meaning ‘and’ or ‘with,’ and in §17.2 we cover its combination with a prefix ʔuʔ to mean ‘but’ or ‘without.’ In Klallam the notion of ‘or’ is a bit more complicated. There are at least two ways of expressing it. These will be introduced in §17.3.

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