Klallam Grammar

1.2. Transitive subject pronouns

2____cxʷ‘you’____cxʷ hay‘you folks’
3-s‘he, she, it’-s‘they’

ƛ̓kʷə́t cn.I take it.’
ƛ̓kʷə́t st.We take it.’
ƛ̓kʷə́t cxʷ.You take it.’
ƛ̓kʷə́t cxʷ hay.You all take it.’
ƛ̓kʷə́ts.He/she/it/they take it.’
► 1  The transitive subjects are mostly the same as the intransitive subjects. Only the ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘it,’ or ‘they’ form is different:  it is an s ending (called a suffix) on the verb.
► 2  Note that the direct object here is given as ‘it.’ This could also be translated as ‘him,’ ‘her,’ or ‘them.’ More on direct objects coming soon.
► 3  Note that ƛ̓kʷə́t ‘take it, grab it’ and the other transitive verbs given below all end in t. This is a good (but not always 100% reliable) way to tell that a verb is transitive:  if it ends in a t, chances are it is transitive.
► 4  There are other endings on transitive verbs, such as ‑nəxʷ and ‑txʷ, that will be covered in later sections.
► 5  Here are some other transitive verbs. Memorize these now for use in this and later sections:
kʷənáŋət‘help it’
k̓ʷə́nt‘look at it’
c̓čə́t‘wake it’
x̣áčt‘dry it’
ɬíc̓t‘cut it’
ƛ̓kʷít‘hold it’
šč̓ə́t‘hit it’
sáʔət‘lift it’
míst‘choose it’
x̣čít‘know it’
tkʷə́t‘break it (a long object)’
ƛ̓kʷə́t‘take it’
ʔəsx̣ʷan̕íŋ cxʷ.‘How are you?’
ʔuʔə́y̓ cn.‘I’m fine.’
ʔaʔstúʔŋət cxʷ ʔuč.‘What are you doing?’
kʷánəŋət cn.‘I run.’
ʔaʔstúʔŋət kʷaʔčaʔ.‘Why?’
ƛ̓kʷə́t cn.‘I took it.’

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