Klallam Grammar

59 Texts to Annotate

It is now time to put it all together. Here are two short stories told in 1992 by Ed Sampson, Sr., c̓ac̓maʔcút. The first relates a contest he witnessed between two men with great spirit power. The second story he heard from Tim Pysht (d. 1938), Adeline Smith’s grandfather. In his youth, Tim Pysht (ɬəmtiyáčaʔ) was a runner delivering messages among villages and saw many strange things in his travels. These stories contain most of the grammatical features you have learned in the preceding sections. Your task is to translate and annotate these texts as demonstrated in §58. Use the vocabulary list and the Klallam Dictionary to help you. Two words from each story are missing from the vocabulary lists. You can use the context to figure them out, or you can look them up.

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