37 Indirect Quotes
He told me to go.
He told me that I’d go.
He told me what he wanted.
He asked me to go.
He asked me if I’d go.
He asked me what I wanted.
He said to go.
He said that I’d go.
He said what he wanted.
Compare these examples with those at the beginning of §36. Just as with the direct quotes in §36, in each case the speaker is reporting on what someone else said. Each sentence reports on what someone said but does so indirectly. Just as in the direct quotes, each of these sentences in English uses a reporting verb in the main clause. Unlike the direct quotes, each event that is reported in these examples is in a subordinate clause. Refresh your understanding of subordinate clauses by reviewing §13, §17.3, §27, §28.2, and §30.
Indirect quotes are more common and more important than direct quotes in Klallam, as in English. In this section we describe how to do indirect quotes in Klallam to report commands, questions, and statements.