Klallam Grammar


Selected Publications on Klallam Language and Traditional Coast Salish Culture
Adamson, Thelma. 2009 (1934). Folk Tales of the Coast Salish. With introduction by William R. Seaburg and Laurel Sercombe. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Originally published as Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society 27. New York: American Folk-lore Society.
Amoss, Pamela. 1978. Coast Salish Spirit Dancing: the Survival of an Ancestral Religion. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Bennett, Anna, Irene Charles, Nell Sullivan, Josephine Williams, Laurence C. Thompson, and M. Terry Thompson. 1974. The Clallam Language: Beginning Lessons. Port Angeles: Clallam Indian Tribe, Elwha Band.
Bierwert, Crisca, ed.. 1996. Lushootseed texts: An Introduction to Puget Salish Narrative Aesthetics Narrated by Emma Conrad, Martha Lamont, and Edward (Hagen) Sam. Translated by Crisca Bierwert, Vi Hilbert, and Thomas M. Hess, with annotations by T. C. S. Langen. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Boyd, Colleen Elizabeth. 2001. Changer Is Coming : History, Identity and the Land among the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe of the North Olympic Peninsula. PhD dissertation, University of Washington.
Eells, Myron. 1889. The Twana, Chemakum, and Klallam Indians of Washington Territory. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press.
———. 1985. The Indians of Puget Sound: the notebooks of Myron Eells. Edited by George Pierre Castile. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Elmendorf, William W. 1993. Twana narratives: Native Historical Accounts of a Coast Salish Culture. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Gibbs, George. 1863. Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi. New York: Cramoisy Press.
Gorsline, Jeremiah. 1992. Shadows of Our Ancestors: Readings in the History of Klallam-White Relations. Port Townsend, WA: Empty Bowl.
Gunther, Erna. 1925. ‘Klallam Folk Tales.’ University of Washington Publications in Anthropology 1.4:113-170.
———. 1927. Klallam Ethnography. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
———. 1928. A Further Analysis of the First Salmon Ceremony. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
———. 1945. Ethnobotany of Western Washington. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
———. 1972. Indian Life on the Northwest Coast of North America, as Seen by the Early Explorers and Fur Traders during the Last Decades of the Eighteenth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Haeberlin, Herman Karl, and Erna Gunther. 1930. The Indians of Puget Sound. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Hanson, Marlene, and Jeff Monson. 2001. Sharing Our Memories: Jamestown S’Klallam Elders. Sequim, WA: Jamestown S’Klallam.
Harrington, John Peabody. 1942.  Klallam field notes. John P. Harrington Papers, Alaska/Northwest Coast, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution. Microfilm edition: Reel 16.
Jenness, Diamond. 1955. The Faith of a Coast Salish Indian. Victoria: British Columbia Provincial Museum.
Montler, Timothy. 2009. ‘Klallam Useful Phrases’. www.ling.unt.edu/~montler/Klallam/Phrases.
———. 2009. ‘Two Deaf Fishermen: A Klallam Story told by Thomas Charles.’ www.ling.unt.edu/~montler/Klallam/Fishermen.
———. 2009. ‘The Flood Told by Edward Sampson, Sr.’ www.ling.unt.edu/~montler/Klallam/Flood
———. 2009. ‘Klallam language Class Materials.’ Including audio files for Models and qʷiʔnə́wi, interactive videos, keyboard software, and computer games. www.ling.unt.edu/~montler/Klallam/class.
———. 2012. Klallam Dictionary. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Rhodes, Willard. 1954. Music of the American Indian: Northwest (Puget Sound). From the Archive of Folk Culture. Washington, DC: The Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division.
Suttles, Wayne P. 1974 (1951). The Economic Life of the Coast Salish of Haro and Rosario Straits. New York: Garland.
———. 1987. Coast Salish Essays. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
———. 1990. Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 7. Northwest Coast. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Thompson, Laurence C. and M. Terry Thompson. 1971. ‘Clallam: A Preview.’ Studies in American Indian languages, edited by Jesse Sawyer, 251‑294. University of California Publications in Linguistics, 65.
Vincent, Mary Ann Lambert. 1972. Dungeness Massacre. Port Orchard, WA: Publishers Print.
———. 1960. The House of the Seven Brothers: Trees, Roots and branches of the House of Ste-Tee-Thlum.
Wray, Jacilee, ed. 2002. Native peoples of the Olympic Peninsula: Who we are. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

Selected publications on languages near Klallam and on general Salishan
Bates, Dawn, Thom Hess, and Vi Hilbert. 1994. Lushootseed Dictionary. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Beaumont, Ronald C. 1985. She Shashishalhem, the Sechelt Language. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books.
———. 2011. Sechelt Dictionary. Sechelt, B.C. : Sechelt Indian Band.
Efrat, Barbara S. 1969. A Grammar of Nonparticles in Sooke, a Dialect of Straits Coast Salish. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.
Galloway, Brent D. 1990. A Phonology, Morphology, and Classified Word List for the Samish Dialect of Straits Salish. Canadian Ethnology Service Mercury Series, paper no. 116. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization.
———. 1993. A Grammar of Upriver Halkomelem.  University of California Publications in Linguistics, Vol. 96. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Gerdts, Donna B. 1982. Object and Absolutive in Halkomelem. PhD dissertation, University of California San Diego.
———. 1997. Hul̕q̕umín̕um̕ Words: An English-to-Hul̕q̕umín̕um̕ and Hul̕q̕umín̕um̕-to-English Dictionary. Chemainus, Nanaimo, and Nanoose First Nations and Nanaimo School District no. 68.
Hess, Thom. 1976. Dictionary of Puget Salish. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
———. 1995. Lushootseed Reader with Introductory Grammar. Vol. 1. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 11. Missoula: University of Montana Linguistics Laboratory.
———. 1998. Lushootseed Reader with Intermediate Grammar. Vol. 2. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 14. Missoula: University of Montana Linguistics Laboratory.
———. 2006. Lushootseed Reader with Introductory Grammar. Vol. 3. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 19. Missoula: University of Montana Linguistics Laboratory.
Hess, Thom, and Vi Hilbert. 1980. Lushootseed 1 & 2. Seattle: Daybreak Star Press.
Hilbert, Vi. 1980. Huboo: Lushootseed Literature in English. Seattle: Lushootseed Research.
———. 1985. Haboo: Native Literatures of the Puget Sound Region. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Jacobs, Peter, ed. 2011. Squamish-English Dictionary. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Kinkade, M. Dale. 1991. Upper Chehalis Dictionary. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 7. Missoula: University of Montana.
———. 2004. Cowlitz Dictionary. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 18. Missoula: University of Montana.
Kuipers, Aert H. 1967. The Squamish Language. The Hague: Mouton.
———. 2002. Salish Etymological Dictionary. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 16. Missoula: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana.
Montler, Timothy. 1986. An Outline of the Morphology and Phonology of Saanich, North Straits Salish. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 4. Missoula: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana.
———. 1991. Saanich, North Straits Salish Classified Word List. Canadian Ethnology Service Mercury Series, paper no. 119. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization.
Raffo, Yolanda. 1972. A Phonology and Morphology of Songish, a Dialect of Straits Salish. PhD dissertation, University of Kansas.
Suttles, Wayne. 2004.  Musqueam Reference Grammar. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Thompson, Laurence C.  1979.  ‘Salishan and the Northwest.’  In The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment.  Edited by Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, 692-765. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Watanabe, Honoré. 2003. A Morphological Description of Sliammon, Mainland Comox Salish, with a Sketch of Syntax. Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim A2-040. Kyoto: ELPR.

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