English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

2018 - English and Comparative Literature Major Redesigned

To reflect the variety of offerings within the department and provide students with an opportunity to customize their major, the curriculum was redesigned with six new concentrations: British and American literature; comparative and world literatures; creative writing; film studies; science, medicine, and literature; social justice and literature; writing, editing, and digital publishing. These concentrations also aim to showcase the versatility of the major, with interdisciplinary focuses across the natural sciences, social science, and the humanities. Check out the new major here


Schnitzler, Carly. “Double Up with ECL’s Redesigned Undergraduate Major.” August 29, 2018. Website. Department of English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, https://englishcomplit.unc.edu/2018/08/double-up-with-english-and-comparative-literatures-redesigned-undergraduate-major/.

“Undergraduate Major.” Website. Department of English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021, https://englishcomplit.unc.edu/undergraduate/.


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