English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

1922 - Enrollments Increase to Over 2000 Students

The total number of regular students, including graduate and professional students but excluding Summer Normal School and preparatory students, is 2103 (Catalogue 1921-1922, 417). Tuition and fees amount to $32 per quarter, with additional fees for courses involving laboratories (Catalogue 1921-1922, 71).


The University of North Carolina Catalogue, 1921-1922. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mar. 1922, pp. 71, 417, https://lib.digitalnc.org/record/35656?ln=en#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0&r=0&xywh=-2238%2C0%2C6780%2C4119.

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