English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

1979 - English 131 Established

English Professor Robert Bain (1932-1996) develops and teaches English 131 “Rhetorical Theory and Practice,” a course designed to prepare graduate students to teach college writing courses in the department. This course was unique among other peer programs as it instructed Ph.D. students in pedagogical approaches, while giving them practical teaching experience, preparing them to serve as instructors while obtaining their degrees and for their future careers. The course is currently numbered English 706.


Record of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Undergraduate Bulletin [1979]. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 1979, p. 227, https://lib.digitalnc.org/record/36302?ln=en#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=228&r=0&xywh=1836%2C235%2C3436%2C2087.

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