English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

1965 - The Writing Center Begins with English

UNC University institutes a temporary grade CC (composition condition) to indicate “marked deficiency in English composition” (Catalogue 1965-1966, 41). Students can satisfy the condition, which prevents them from graduating, by completing English C, “The Writing Laboratory,” a tutorial, noncredit “review of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and composition” (Catalogue 1965-1966, 191). Seen as punitive, English C was discontinued in the 1980s, and the one-person Writing Laboratory expanded into the Writing Center to help students with all elements of academic writing. 

In 1995, with the support of Executive Vice Chancellor Elson Floyd (1956-2015), the Writing Center was moved out of the Department of English and combined with other student services under the umbrella of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Center for Student Success. In 2012 the Learning Center was combined with the Writing Center to become the Writing and Learning Center, under the directorship of Kimberly Abels. In its current instantiation, over 50 percent of undergraduate students voluntarily use these services during their time on campus, and the Tips and Tools on the website receive up to ~1 million hits a month from people all over the world.  


Abels, Kimberly. Message to the editor. June 15, 2021 and June 17, 2021. Email. 

“Records and Reports of Scholastic Achievement” and “English C.” Catalogue of the University of North Carolina, 1965-1966. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U of North Carolina P, May 25, 1966, pp. 41, 191, https://lib.digitalnc.org/record/35961#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0&r=0&xywh=-1658%2C-1%2C5424%2C3296.


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