English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

1914 - Edwin Greenlaw (1874-1931) Becomes Chair of the Department of English

Edwin Greenlaw is appointed chair of the Department of English. Greenlaw was the founder of the modern department, increasing the faculty from eight in 1914 to thirty-seven in 1925. Among his many achievements during his tenure at UNC are effectively organizing the department, further developing the graduate program, establishing a program for undergraduate honors in English language and literature, leading a committee to promote lectures and seminars in comparative literature, and helping to establish the University Press. A prolific scholar, Greenlaw also published a dozen books, including four volumes of Literature and Life, a high school literature series that sold over a million copies before his death. 


Sapp, Edwin Greenlaw. “Greenlaw, Edwin Almiron.” Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, edited by William S. Powell. U of North Carolina P, 1986. Rpt. in NCPedia, https://www.ncpedia.org/biography/greenlaw-edwin-almiron.


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