English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

1901 - Yackety Yack First Published

In an attempt to earn moral and financial support, The Hellenian is altered and rebranded as Yackety Yack. The first volume of Yackety Yack is published in place of The Hellenian. The Hellenian and its staff had continued to suffer a poor reception since their origins in 1890, so the editors attempted to adjust their strategy, altering their work into more of a “fraternity hand-book” instead of attempting to capture the entirety of life at the University, although the general contents of the yearbook remained, for the most part, the same. 


“History.”  Yackety Yack: UNC Yearbook, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020, https://yack.web.unc.edu/history/.


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