English and Comparative Literature 225 Anniversary Timeline

1893 - Shinzaburo Mogi

Shinzaburo Mogi, from Tokyo, Japan, enrolls in UNC for the 1893-1894 school year as UNC’s first international student. He took classes in mathematics, English, and physics. Mogi’s family began the soy sauce company that eventually became the Kikkoman Corporation, and Mogi’s career in the United States and Canada was in soy sauce production.


Graham, Nicholas.  “From Tokyo to Chapel Hill: UNC’s First International Student.”  History on the Hill: Resources for Learning About the History of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2016, https://blogs.lib.unc.edu/hill/2016/07/22/from-tokyo-to-chapel-hill-uncs-first-international-student/.

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