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Birth of An Industry: Blackface Minstrelsy and the Rise of American Animation

Nicholas Sammond, Author
Space, page 34 of 36


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Space, Page 195

Recycling much of the surrealist imagery from Porky in Wackyland, Tin Pan Alley Cats has a Fats Waller-esque cat playing Nagasaki (Warren/Dixon 1928) on piano, animating the bar into hysterics and propelling him out of this world and into the landscape of "darkest Africa". 

A popular "exotic" song that became a Tin Pan Alley hit, Nagasaki also appears in Clean Pastures as played in Harlem and associated with African-American jazz bars.

Through sound and visuals, the colour line regulated the spatial representation of bodies, in both the real and the two-dimensional, drawn world. 
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