Klallam Grammar

kʷ, k̓ʷ, xʷ, w, w̓

kʷ, k̓ʷ, xʷ, w, w̓      These sounds are produced with the lips rounded and the back of the tongue raised toward the back and roof of the mouth.
kʷ  is the same as the sound at the beginning of English ‘quick.’
k̓ʷ  is ejective. It is like but ‘ejected’ out of the mouth with a strong pop.
xʷ  is similar to the sound at the beginning of English ‘which’ (if you pronounce it differently from ‘witch’). It is pronounced with the tongue in the same position as for but the air is blown continuously through.
is the same as the sound at the beginning and end of English ‘wow.’
w̓  is like w but is made with a creaky sound caused by a tightness in the throat.

kʷ kʷítšənchinook salmon
 k̓ʷínhow many?
xʷanítəmwhite person
wwáʔgo with
 k̓ʷə́w̓iskin, hide

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