The Art of Food in Frogtown and RondoMain MenuThe Art of Food in Frogtown and RondoSeveral networks interested in investing their time, engagement, and care in community food in Frogtown and Rondo are collaborating to explore what it takes to support and build equitable fresh food in their neighborhoods.Frogtown FarmAEDAAsian Economic Development AssociationUrban Farm and Garden AllianceUrban Farm and Garden Alliance Greens CookoffIn November and December of 2016, the Urban Farm and Garden Alliance convened a gathering around cooking GREENS.Public Art St. PaulSustainability@Hamline53a66acd31006d343906ce1a4c7df8af8da2d56b
Samuel interviewed at the Urban Farm and Garden Alliance 2016 Greens Cookoff IMG 0222
12017-02-21T15:10:35-08:00Jenni Abere49b68c2cbf6bfcfcca295f9e4e46faabff1d8e4b118192Samuel interviewed at the Urban Farm and Garden Alliance 2016 Greens Cookoff with the St. Paul Almanac Storymobile, December 3, 2016, as part of the Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondo projectplain2017-02-21T15:11:10-08:00YouTube2017-02-12T20:50:56.000ZC6k9lgkkW_cHamline University Sustainability OfficeJenni Abere49b68c2cbf6bfcfcca295f9e4e46faabff1d8e4b
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12017-02-23T14:26:08-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2Starting a Community GardenFood and Society Workshop4plain2020-01-23T11:39:15-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
12017-02-23T14:45:52-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2Healthy EatingFood and Society Workshop4plain2020-01-23T11:39:13-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
12017-02-23T14:41:43-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2Community gardens are greatFood and Society Workshop3plain2020-01-23T11:39:17-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
12017-02-23T14:52:57-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2Food that is easy or hard to findJoseffa Smith3plain2017-02-23T14:55:28-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2
12017-02-23T14:48:34-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2Getting food from various placesJoseffa Smith2plain2017-02-23T14:52:24-08:00Joseffa Smith07c77112f3efb32fbae02db974a0d43cf4d85ab2
12020-01-23T11:30:22-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8Samuel introduces himselfFood and Society Workshop2plain2020-01-23T11:39:19-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
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12017-03-01T07:42:02-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8Featured interviews from the Urban Farm and Garden Alliances FreshLo Greens CookoffFood and Society Workshop1December 3, 2016 at Pilgrim Baptist Churchplain2017-03-01T07:42:03-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
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1media/Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 6.59.33 PM.png2016-12-02T20:49:55-08:00Sustainability@Hamline53a66acd31006d343906ce1a4c7df8af8da2d56bUrban Farm and Garden Alliance Greens CookoffFood and Society Workshop20In November and December of 2016, the Urban Farm and Garden Alliance convened a gathering around cooking GREENS.structured_gallery2018-12-04T16:10:51-08:00Food and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
12017-02-23T14:17:08-08:00Sustainability@Hamline53a66acd31006d343906ce1a4c7df8af8da2d56bFeatureSustainability@Hamline3Feature stories from The Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondovistag2017-02-28T17:56:01-08:00Sustainability@Hamline53a66acd31006d343906ce1a4c7df8af8da2d56b
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12017-03-29T15:42:31-07:00Story Project - Food as Medicine5By Peter Schlechtplain2017-03-30T13:16:33-07:00After reading The Color of Food by Natasha Bowens and going through the stories archived elsewhere on this site, what I most connected with and wanted to share were some of the different ways that people used food as medicine and just to stay healthy.
I was first struck by Vivian Mims at the Greens cook-off when, toward the end of a video of her demonstrating how to cook a batch of greens, she said to not throw the juice away, but to instead use it in a concoction involving hot sauce that can “clear you out better than Smooth Move tea.”
Also at the cook-off, Samuel talks about how having Diabetes has effected what he eats, how he has become healthier, and gives some generally good advice for when trying to eat healthy.
In The Color of Food, Valerie Segrest mentions the health benefits of berries, including being high in Vitamin C and balancing blood sugar, which is also anti-diabetic. Valerie goes on to talk about how important tradition is to establishing a working food economy, and how a community’s health can be impacted when their means of producing their own food are limited