Klallam Grammar

20.5. Age

k̓ʷín ʔuč cə ʔən̓sčiʔánəŋ.How old are you?’
k̓ʷín cxʷ sčiʔánəŋ.How old are you?’
ʔúpən cn ʔiʔ či taʔcs sčiʔánəŋ.‘I’m eighteen years old.’
hiyáʔ cn ʔaʔ kʷi nəsʔúpən sčiʔánəŋ.‘I went when I was ten years old.’

1  To ask how old someone is, you use the word k̓ʷín ‘how much, how many’ and the possessive pronoun on the word sčiʔánəŋ ‘year.’ The question literally means ‘your years are how many?’  The question word k̓ʷín will be covered in more detail in §26.2.
2  Another way to ask about someone’s age is shown in the second model. This uses the cxʷ  ‘you’ subject. This question literally means ‘you are how many years?’
3  The third model sentence shows the pattern for saying how old you are. This is simply the number followed by sčiʔánəŋ ‘year.’ The subject pronoun follows the first word, as usual.
4  The last model sentence has the form of the time expressions you saw §19.
k̓ʷín ʔuč ʔən̓sčiʔánəŋ.‘How old are you?’
ʔúpən cn ʔiʔ t̓x̣ə́ŋ sčiʔánəŋ.‘I’m sixteen years old.’
čən̓táŋ ʔay̓ ʔiʔ tə́s cxʷ ʔaʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ.‘When did you get to Elwha?’
táči cn ʔaʔ kʷi nəsɬíxʷ sčiʔánəŋ.‘I got here when I was three years old.’


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