Klallam Grammar

20.2. Right now and later

kʷɬníɬ nəshiyáʔ.‘I’ll go right now.’
kʷkʷáʔ caʔ ʔiʔ hiyáʔ cn.‘I’ll go later.’

1  These are two very different patterns.
2  With kʷɬníɬ the event follows and the subject is indicated with the possessive pronoun on the event.
3  It is possible to say kʷɬníɬ cn. This means ‘I’ll do it right now.’
4  The word kʷɬníɬ has the root níɬ ‘it is, there are’ and the prefix kʷɬ‑ ‘already.’ So the literal meaning is ‘it already is.’
5  The second model shows how the word kʷkʷáʔ works. This word means something like ‘it’ll be later on,’ ‘after a while,’ ‘put it off until later,’ ‘pretty soon,’ or ‘slow down, take it easy, and do it later.’
ʔaʔk̓ʷín ʔay̓ ʔiʔ ʔíɬən cxʷ?‘What time do you eat?’
kʷɬníɬ nəsʔíɬən. ʔíɬən u caʔ cxʷ?‘I’ll eat right now. Will you eat?’
čaʔíɬən cn ʔaʔ kʷi nəstáči.‘I just ate when I got here.’
ʔə́y̓ u cə sʔíɬən?‘Is the food good?’


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