Klallam Grammar

24.2. Way and source

tx̣ə́nəŋ cn ʔaʔ či qʷúʔ  čšaʔč̓ixʷícən.‘I go by water from Port Angeles.’
tx̣ə́nəŋ cn ʔaʔ či qʷúʔ či nəsʔúx̣ʷ ʔaʔmitúliyə čšaʔč̓ixʷícən. ‘I go by water to Victoria from Port Angeles.’

1  The source is indicated using the čšaʔ‑ ‘come/go from’ prefix you learned about in §23.1.
2  If you mention both the source and the destination, as in the second model sentence, either can go first:
                              Way                         Destination               Source
               tx̣ə́nəŋ cn ʔaʔ cə qʷúʔ    či nəsʔúx̣ʷ  ʔaʔmitúliyə     čšaʔč̓ixʷícən.
                   I go by water                 to Victoria               from Port Angeles.

                             Way                    Source                     Destination    
               tx̣ə́nəŋ cn ʔaʔ cə qʷúʔ     čšaʔč̓ixʷícən       či nəsʔúx̣ʷ  ʔaʔmitúliyə.
                   I go by water          from Port Angeles        to Victoria.
3  Some speakers use ɬáʔaʔ or simply ɬáʔ instead of tx̣ə́nəŋ for 'go by way of, go via'. For the first model you could also use: ɬáʔaʔ cn ʔaʔ či qʷúʔ čšaʔč̕ixʷícən.

ʔáwənə nəsčaʔkʷaʔyúɬ.‘I have no car.’
ʔáwə u yaʔ cxʷ c čšaʔqatáy.‘Didn’t you come from Port Townsend?’
štə́ŋ yaʔ cn tx̣ə́nəŋ ʔaʔ cə súɬ‘I walked on the road
        čšaʔqatáy.         from Port Townsend.’
ʔáčəna! mán̓ ʔuʔ yéy̓!‘My goodness! It’s very far!’


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