Klallam Grammar

23.1. ‘Go to,’ ‘come from,’ ‘be at/in,’ and ‘be from’

ƛ̓aʔtáwn cn.‘I went to town.’
hiyáʔ cn ƛ̓aʔtáwn.‘I went to town.’
čšaʔtáwn cn.‘I came from town.’
ʔənʔá cn čšaʔtáwn.‘I came from town.’
ʔaʔtáwn cn.‘I am in town.’
ʔiyá cn ʔaʔtáwn.‘I am in town.’
čʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ cn.‘I am from Elwha.’

1  The prefix ƛ̓aʔ‑ means ‘go to,’ the prefix čšaʔ‑ means ‘come or go from,’ and the prefix ʔaʔ‑ means ‘be at’ or ‘be in.’ These prefixes may attach only to particular place names, such as č̓ixʷícən ‘Port Angeles’—ƛ̓aʔč̓ixʷícən ‘go to Port Angeles.’ The word táwn (obviously borrowed from English) is apparently an exception to this rule. But táwn in Klallam does not mean exactly the same thing as ‘town’ in English. In Klallam táwn refers in particular to the nearest sizeable town. So at Elwha táwn means Port Angeles,  at Jamestown táwn means Sequim, at Port Gamble táwn means Seattle, and at Becher Bay táwn means Victoria.
2  The words hiyáʔ ‘go,’ ʔənʔá ‘come,’ and ʔiyá ‘be at’ often precede.  Their use with a ƛ̓aʔ‑, čšaʔ‑, or ʔaʔ‑ word is primarily for emphasis. More on this kind of construction is covered in §25.
3  Note that čšaʔ‑ means ‘come from’ not ‘be from.’ In English ‘come from’ has more than one meaning: ‘I came from Elwha’ can imply either ‘I was at Elwha just before I came here’ or ‘I was born or grew up at Elwha.’ The first means ‘to come from;’ the second means ‘to be from.’ To say that you are from Elwha (Elwha is your home), a similar prefix, č‑, is used. Study and compare these two sentences:
    čʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ cn.             ‘I am from Elwha (it’s my home).’
    čšaʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ cn.          ‘I came from Elwha’ or ‘I went from Elwha.’
4  At this point it will be useful to learn some of the Klallam place names. At each of these places there was a Klallam village:
1. húʔquʔ            Hoko
2. ƛ̓aʔƛ̓əwáys      Sekiu
3. x̣ŋínt               Clallam Bay
4. qqímuʔ            Pillar Point
5. pə́šct               Pysht
6. x̣ə́yəŋ              Jim Creek
7. st̓ə́cəŋ             Butler Cove
8. c̓íxʷəŋ             Deep Creek
9. ƛ̓cə́nt              Agate Beach
10. q̓ʷaʔšə́nəm     Crescent Bay
11. tkʷáyŋəxʷ      Freshwater Bay
12. sčaʔq̓aʔítən     ‘between 11 & 13’                                     
13. ʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ        Elwha
14. cə́ɬmət           Lake Crescent
15. titiʔə́ɬ            Indian Creek
16. k̓ʷəč̓əc̓áw̓txʷ  ‘Elwha bridge area’

 17. mím̓xʷtən      ‘sleeping lady hills’
18. č̓ixʷícən         Port Angeles
19. ʔiʔínəs           Ennis Creek
20. ʔiʔícən          Morris Creek
21. sŋiyáw̓ɬč        Dungeness
22. stətíɬəm         Jamestown
23. sxʷčkʷíyəŋ    Sequim
24. sq̓ʷaʔqʷéʔyəɬ Port Discovery
25. qatáy             Port Townsend
26. nəxʷq̓éʔyət     Little Boston
27. šəyəŋ̓úykʷɬ     Beechey Head
28. čiyánəxʷ        Becher Bay
29. məq̓ʷúʔəs      Smyth Point
30. nəxʷyéy̓əč      Pedder Bay
31. məčúcən        Metchosin

hiyáʔ caʔn t̓ákʷi ƛ̓aʔmitúliyə.‘I’m going across to Victoria.’
hiʔswáʔ caʔn.‘I’ll go along.’
ʔə́y̓. ƛ̓aʔmitúliyə st ʔaʔ či kʷáči. ‘Good. We’ll go to Victoria tomorrow.’
tx̣ə́nəŋ u caʔ st ʔaʔ či snə́xʷɬ.‘Will we go by canoe?’

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