Klallam Grammar

1.2. Exercises

1.2A. Translate each of the following into English.
1. ƛ̓kʷə́t st.
2. míst cn.
3. kʷənáŋəts.
4. c̓čə́t cxʷ.
5. sáʔət cn.
6. tkʷə́t st.
7. šč̓ə́t cxʷ.
8. ƛ̓kʷíts.
9. x̣čít st.
10. ɬíc̓t cxʷ hay.
1.2B. Translate each of the following into Klallam.
1. You hold it.
2. We dry it.
3. I break it.
4. They choose it.
5. She hit it.
6. He takes it.
7. You all lift it.
8. You  help it.
9. We cut it.
10. I know it.
1.2C. Write three Klallam sentences not shown in 1.2B using the transitive verbs shown above.
1.2D. Find five more transitive Klallam verbs (Klallam Dictionary) and make three sentences with each.

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