Klallam GrammarMain MenuKlallam GrammarAlphabet and SoundsBasicsGrammarIntroduction: How to Use This Grammar1 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs2 Past and Future Tense3 Basic Speech Acts4 Nouns and Articles5 Possessive Pronouns6 Adjectives7 Object Pronouns8 The Preposition and Word Order9 Negative Words10 More Negative Words11 Self and Each Other12 Questions: ‘Who?’ and ‘What?’13 Subordinate Subjects in Questions14 Questions: ‘Whose?’15 Focus Pronouns and Answering Questions16 Comparison17 Conjunction: ‘And/with,’ ‘but/without,’ and ‘or’18 Questions: ‘When?’19 Time Expressions20 More Time Expressions21 Time Prefixes22 Questions: ‘Where?’23 Some Place Expressions24 Source, Way, and Destination25 Serial Verbs26 Questions: ‘How?’ and ‘How much?’27 While Clauses28 Adverbial Expressions29 Intensifier Auxiliaries30 Conditional Clauses31 Passive Sentences and Shifting Vowels32 Lexical Suffixes33 Collective Plural34 Possessed Verbs35 So Then ...36 Reporting Verbs and Direct Quotes37 Indirect Quotes38 Questions: ‘Why?’39 Because40 Cause41 Speech Act Particles42 The Actual: To Be Continuing43 State, Result, and Duration44 Participant Roles and Middle Voice45 Recipient, Beneficiary, and Source Objects46 Reflexive, Noncontrol Middle, and Contingent47 Activity Suffixes48 Relative Clauses49 Verbal Prefixes50 Movement and Development Suffixes51 Nominalizing Prefixes52 Adverbial Prefixes53 More Demonstrative Articles54 Objects of Intent, Emotion, Direction, and Success55 More Reduplication Patterns56 Interjections57 Rare Suffixes58 A Fully Annotated Text59 Texts to Annotate60 ConclusionAppendicesKlallam DictionaryKlallam-English and English-Klallam sections onlyMontler, et al.1985d2520fc8efde4c2f92342f62d9a941749101
4.4 Models
12021-07-14T11:04:28-07:00Montler, et al.1985d2520fc8efde4c2f92342f62d9a9417491013090414.4 Models2021-07-14T11:04:28-07:00Montler, et al.1985d2520fc8efde4c2f92342f62d9a941749101
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12018-07-21T22:43:32-07:004.4. Not visible article: kʷə ____9plain2022-01-25T11:07:14-08:00hiyáʔ kʷəhúʔpt. ‘The deer (not now visible) goes.’ hiyáʔ yaʔ kʷəhúʔpt. ‘The (not visible) deer went.’ hiyáʔ caʔ kʷəhúʔpt. ‘The (not visible) deer will go.’ hiyáʔ u yaʔ kʷəhúʔpt. ‘Did the (not visible) deer go?’ ƛ̓kʷə́t cn kʷəhúʔpt. ‘I take the (not visible) deer.’
► 1 This article, kʷə, is also very common and useful. This adds the meaning that the noun that follows cannot now be seen by the speaker or the listener, but it was visible sometime in the past. ► 2 This article has several common variations in pronunciation: kʷsə is very common in fluent careful speech and kʷ or kʷs in rapid fluent speech.