30.2. Coordinate conditional: húʔ
húʔ cn šúpt ʔiʔ xʷítəŋ cxʷ. | ‘If I whistle, you jump.’ |
húʔ st šúpt ʔiʔ xʷítəŋ cxʷ. | ‘If we whistle, you jump.’ |
húʔ cxʷ šúpt ʔiʔ xʷítəŋ cn. | ‘If you whistle, I jump.’ |
húʔ cxʷ hay šúpt ʔiʔ xʷítəŋ cn. | ‘If you folks whistle, I jump.’ |
húʔ šúpt ʔiʔ xʷítəŋ cxʷ. | ‘If he/she/they whistle, you jump.’ |
► 1 Review §17.1 on the ʔiʔ conjunction.
► 2 In the coordinate conditional construction, we have two main clauses joined with ʔiʔ, the conjunction meaning ‘and’ or ‘with.’ In this case, the ʔiʔ can be translated ‘then.’ Note that both the clause beginning with húʔ and the clause following ʔiʔ have main clause subjects. Neither clause is subordinate to the other.
► 3 The general pattern for this construction is:
húʔ condition event ʔiʔ main event
Both húʔ and the main event are followed by the main clause subjects.
► 4 In the coordinate conditional, the húʔ clause (the condition event) always comes first.
► 5 As far as can be determined, there is no difference in meaning between the coordinate and subordinate conditional constructions.
► 6 The word húʔ is a verb and can be the main verb of a sentence by itself, as in húʔ cn šúpt ‘It’s when I whistle’ or ‘It’s if I whistle.’
húʔ caʔ st č̓áŋ̓ ʔiʔ ʔíɬən st. | ‘When we get home we’ll eat.’ | |
kʷɬxʷáʔəm cn. | ‘I’m already hungry.’ | |
x̣ʷə́ŋ u cxʷ ʔiʔ ŋaʔk̓ʷaʔcút. | ‘Can you wait?’ | |
ʔáwə. čɬqə́nəxʷ cn. | ‘No. I’m starving.’ |