Klallam Grammar

18.2. Asking about time: Second method

čən̓táŋ ʔay̓ ʔiʔ hiyáʔ cxʷ.When do you go?’
čən̓táŋ ʔiʔ hiyáʔ cxʷ.When do you go?’
čən̓táŋ caʔ ʔiʔ hiyáʔ cxʷ.When will you go?’
čən̓táŋ yaʔ ʔiʔ hiyáʔ cxʷ.When did you go?’

1  There is a second way of asking the same types of questions seen in the previous section. This second method uses the ʔiʔ conjunction.
2  The ʔiʔ joins two phrases: the ‘when’ phrase and the event phrase. In this method the event follows the ʔiʔ and has the regular subject pronoun. The first of the models above could literally (though rather clumsily) be translated ‘It’s what time and you go?’
3  Just as in the first method, the ʔay̓ or ʔuč is usually used but is not required.
hiyáʔ yaʔ cn ƛ̓aʔtáwn.‘I went to town.’
čən̓táŋ ʔay̓ ʔiʔ hiyáʔ cxʷ.‘When did you go?’
ʔáwənə nəsx̣čít!‘I don’t know!’
čən̓táŋ ʔiʔ č̓áŋ̓ cxʷ.‘When did you get home?’
ʔáwənə nəsx̣čít!‘I don’t know!’


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