Klallam Grammar

9.3. Exercises

9.3A. Translate each of the following into English.
1. ʔuʔá c nə́qəŋ.
2. txʷʔáw c ʔíɬən.
3. ʔuʔá c ɬáw̓.
4. txʷʔáw c šə́wi.
5. ʔuʔá c šč̓ə́ts.
6. txʷʔáw c tálə.
7. ʔuʔá c súɬ.
8. txʷʔáw c sqʷáy.
9. ʔuʔá c qʷúʔ.
10. txʷʔáw c sqáx̣aʔ.
9.3B. Translate each of the following into Klallam.
1. It’s not black yet.
2. It’s not good yet.
3. He isn’t strong yet.
4. It isn’t a deer yet.
5. It’s not a house yet.
6. It isn’t my money yet.
7. He didn’t lift it yet.
8. He didn’t get dressed yet.
9. It didn’t fly yet.
10. He didn’t jump yet.

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