Klallam Grammar

5.2. Exercises

5.2A. Translate each of the following into English.
1. ƛ̕kʷíts u kʷə nəskʷáʔ nətálə. 
2. sáʔət yaʔ st kʷə skʷáʔɬ snə́xʷɬɬ.
3. nəskʷáʔ cə sqáx̣aʔ.
4. štə́ŋ u yaʔ kʷə skʷáʔɬ cə́tɬ. 
5. ʔítt u caʔ kʷə ʔən̕skʷáʔ.
6. ʔíc̕əŋ caʔ kʷɬə nəskʷáʔ nəcáčc.
7. ɬíc̕t  u yaʔ cxʷ hay kʷə skʷáʔs húʔpts. 
8. nə́qəŋ u yaʔ kʷə skʷáʔs cə́ts.
9. x̣čít u yaʔ cn kʷə ʔən̕skʷáʔ.
10. šə́wi kʷə nəskʷáʔ.
11. ʔən̕skʷáʔ u ʔən̕sqáx̣aʔ.  
12. ɬáw̕ caʔ kʷə ʔən̕skʷáʔ ʔən̕húʔpt.
13. kʷánəŋət kʷə skʷáʔs sqáx̣aʔs.
14. x̣ʷúŋ u kʷə ʔən̕skʷáʔ ʔən̕tán. 
15. šč̕ə́t  u yaʔ cn kʷə ʔən̕skʷáʔ ʔən̕húʔpt.
5.2B. Translate each of the following into Klallam using emphatic possessives.
1. Is my aunt going?
2. Lift your own canoe! 
3. He is going to cut ours.
4. Is your aunt going to cry?
5. My mother will get dressed.
6. Will they choose theirs?
7. Did he take your money?
8. Did his run away? 
9. He is going to dry yours.
10. Our mother dove.
11. The money is mine.
12. Is yours going to run? 
13. You folks’ friend walked.
14. My father slept.
15. His dog jumped.
5.2C. Write ten new Klallam sentences with noun phrases using emphatic possessive forms.

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