►1 Note that in Klallam the verb always comes first. In later sections we will learn that there are some exceptions to this.
►2 The subjects
st, and
cxʷ are not independent words. The must always be accompanied by a verb.
►3 Note that when the verb is intransitive the subject translated as ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘it,’ or ‘they’ is simply understood.
►4 Note that the subjects are all grammatical particles and so are never stressed.
►5 Here are some other intransitive verbs. Memorize these now for use in this and later sections:
ʔítt ‘sleep’
kʷánəŋət ‘run’
nə́qəŋ ‘dive’
kʷə́yəŋ ‘fly’
ɬáw̓ ‘run away’
štə́ŋ ‘walk’
xʷítəŋ ‘jump’
šə́wi ‘grow’
ʔíc̓əŋ ‘get dressed’
x̣ʷúŋ ‘cry’