Klallam Grammar

42.3. Exercises

42.3A. Give the ‘actual’ form for each of these words and give the meaning. Note that each of these is in the Consonant‑Consonant‑Vowel‑Consonant form.
1. cx̣ə́t  2. ƛ̓kʷə́t  3. ɬx̣ʷə́t  4. štə́ŋ  5. šč̓ə́t  6. čx̣ə́t  7.  x̣č̓ít  8. čkʷút  9. q̓m̓ə́t

42.3B. Use each of the words in 42.3A in a sentence.
42.3C. Translate each of the following into English.
1. šə́təŋ yaʔ cn ʔaʔ cə súɬ.
2. x̣íč̓t cn cə nəsq̓ʷúŋiʔ.
3. šə́č̓ts cə ƛ̓úyəqs.
4. čúkʷts yaʔ kʷsə húʔpt.
5. ɬə́x̣ʷt caʔn cə x̣ʷéʔləm.
42.3D. Translate each of the following into nəxʷsƛ̓ay̓əmúcən.
1. You’re tearing the basket.
2. Are you walking to town?
3. We’re cutting the rope in two.
4. Don’t take your money.

42.3E. Make up five more nəxʷsƛ̓ay̓əmúcən sentences using the metathesis form of the actual with the new vocabulary.

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