Klallam Grammar

40.2. Exercises

40.2A. Translate each of the following into English.
1. ʔə́wə c t̓ə́x̣txʷ.
2. hiyaʔtúŋəs či ƛ̓aʔtáwn.
3. ʔətúttxʷ cn cə nəŋə́naʔ.    (ʔítt becomes ʔətút with ‑txʷ)
4. ʔúx̣ʷtxʷ cn cə ʔən̓tálə.
5. cúŋtxʷ cn cə nəsnə́xʷɬ.
40.2B. Translate each of the following into nəxʷsƛ̓ay̓əmúcən.
1. Did he put you to sleep?
2. I will take you to Seattle.
3. We made the dog go inside.
4. I took the cat (somewhere).
5. Did you move it? 

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