Klallam Grammar

2.1. Exercises

2.1A. Translate each of the following into English.
1. kʷənáŋət yaʔ cn.
2. štə́ŋ yaʔ cxʷ.
3. ƛ̕kʷə́t yaʔ st.
4. ʔítt yaʔ.
5. x̣čít yaʔ st.
6. xʷítəŋ yaʔ cn.
7. nə́qəŋ yaʔ.
8. šə́wi yaʔ cxʷ.
9. ɬáw̕ yaʔ st.
10. x̣ʷúŋ yaʔ cn.
11. ʔíc̕əŋ yaʔ cxʷ hay.
12. c̕čə́t yaʔ cxʷ.
13. ɬíc̕t yaʔ cxʷ hay.
14. ƛ̕kʷíts yaʔ.
15. míst yaʔ cn.
2.1B. Translate each of the following into Klallam past tense.
1. I grew.
2. She walked.
3. We got dressed.
4. You cried.
5. He ran away.
6. We ran.
7. They jumped.
8. I slept.
9. You dove.
10. You all flew.
11. I broke it.
12. You held it.
13. We dried it.
14. You all lifted it.
15. She hit it.
2.1C. Write ten Klallam sentences not shown in above using the past tense.


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