
How do you Authenticate a Person

By Oni

Her hair is long and her smile is big.
Her red lipstick pops like a cherry ice on a hot day.
She's tall and thin,
every man's crush.
She speaks in high educated
and her manners are top-notch.
She's a role model, everyone's dream
I tell her she's beautiful
She looks in the mirror and says “what is beautiful?”
She takes off her long hair,
She takes off her voluminous lashes,
She is no longer smiling.
She wipes off the red lipstick.
She imagines eating a bacon cheeseburger with cheese fries,
her favorite.
she feels happy and free and she dances to the beat of her heart.
a knock at the door
She turns to the mirror in her natural state.
I tell her again she is beautiful
She looks in the mirror again and says “what is beautiful?”
she applies her long hair
she applies her red lipstick
she applies her lashes
She applies her makeup
She ensures she looks thin
Another knock on the door
She opens the door, she exits
They say to her “ oh my God you are soooo beautiful”
She looks and walks away
She reminds herself not to cry
and just like they say
“I am beautiful”

This poem is a response to hardtruth #65:

#65, #fakenews #realtalk #realtruth about black girls’ liberation

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