SENĆOŦEN: A Grammar of the Saanich Language

58 Objects of Intent and Emotion

Eight transitivizers have been covered in earlier chapters: §32, §36, and §40. Transitivizers in SENĆOŦEN are suffixes that allow you to add a direct object. Take a minute now to go back to these four sections and review those patterns. It would also help to review §35 on participant roles. Here is a summary of the transitivizers described so far:
‑ET          patient object, subject in control (§32.1)
‑NEW̱      patient object, subject not in control (§32.2)
‑OST       recipient object (§36.1)
‑SIT         beneficiary object (§36.2)
‑ISTW̱     cause an animate object (§40.1)
‑TW̱        cause an inanimate object (§40.2)
TW̱        let an object (§40.3)
‑OS         put an object (§40.4)
This chapter covers two more transitivizers. The two new (and final) transitivizers are:
‑NES       intent object
‑TOW̱     emotion object

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