SENĆOŦEN: A Grammar of the Saanich Language

Appendix F: Vocabulary

This is a list of words introduced in the models, exercises, and dialogues of this grammar. The primary stress is marked red in stressable words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and auxiliaries) with more than one vowel. Each SENĆOŦEN word is given with a short English gloss, not a definition. Look up these words in the SENĆOŦEN dictionary for a full definition and examples of usage.
AXEṈ ‘say’
Á¸ĆEX ‘crab’
Á¸I¸ ‘continue’
Á¸LEṈ ‘home’
Á¸ŦȻEȽ ‘far out’
Á¸YEḴTEL ‘exchange’
ÁÁ ‘ugh’
ÁÁNEȻ ‘today’
ÁĆENÁ ‘my goodness!’
ÁLEW̱SET ‘get old’
ÁȽE ‘here’
ÁȽETW̱ ‘leave it here’
ÁN¸ ‘very’
ÁPELS ‘apple’
ÁPELSHIȽĆ ‘apple tree’
ȺY¸EL¸ ‘borrow’
ȺYEL¸TW̱ ‘lend someone’
ȺYET ‘lingcod’
BBÁ¸ȻEṈ¸ ‘smoking’
BEȻ ‘rise to surface’
BEWI¸ ‘flounder’
BILEṈ ‘overflow’
BOḰEĆEN ‘Pauquachin Reserve’
BOOṈ ‘swell up’
CÁNTI ‘candy’
CEPU ‘coat’
CEŚU ‘pig’
COLE ‘collar’
CONSEL ‘councilor’
COO ‘car’
COON ‘corn’
CUC ‘cook’
CUL ‘gold’
ĆAK ‘fall over’
ĆÁ¸ĆE¸NEȻEL ‘related’
ĆÁ¸SE¸ ‘two people’
ĆÁĆESISE ‘make for you’
ĆÁĆET ‘work on it’
ĆÁȽ ‘more’
ĆȺ ‘work’
ĆȺĆI ‘diligent’
ĆȺNOṈET ‘manage to work’
ĆȻÁ¸ ‘own’
ĆȻÁLE¸ ‘own (pl.)’
ĆEĆIKEN ‘mink’
ĆEḴ ‘big’
ĆEḴSOT ‘get big’
ĆEḰ ‘burn’
ĆEḰELO¸ ‘burn something’
ĆEḰIṈEȽ ‘spiritual burning’
ĆELAḴEȽ ‘yesterday’
ĆEL¸ÁU¸NEṈ ‘be passed’
ĆEL¸EḴSEN ‘go around point’
ĆELÁ¸E ‘comes from’
ĆELÁL ‘almost’
ĆEN¸HENEN¸ ‘August’
ĆEN¸QÁ¸LES ‘summer’
ĆEN¸QOL¸EW̱ ‘dog salmon time’
ĆEN¸T ‘burying’
ĆEN¸ŦÁ¸WEN ‘September’
ĆEN¸ŦEḴI¸ ‘July’
ĆEN¸ȾOȽEṈ ‘winter’
ĆENÁ ‘goodness’
ĆENES ‘tooth’
ĆENET ‘bury’
ĆENIȽ ‘first time’
ĆENIṈEȽ ‘plant’
ĆESE¸ ‘two’
ĆEXIN ‘from there’
ĆIḴ ‘snowfall’
ĆḴȺ¸YE¸ ‘catch’
ĆḴEĆE¸ ‘catch’
ĆḴEḴSEN ‘big nose’
ĆȽSȻÁĆEL ‘get caught by the weather’
ĆO¸EU¸EṈ¸ ‘being used’
ĆOȻEṈ ‘be used’
ĆOȻES ‘use it’
ĆO₭EṈ ‘sweat’
ĆS¸OM¸ET ‘two blankets’
ĆSÁ¸LETW̱ ‘two dollars’
ĆSE¸EXIN ‘from where’
ĆSELÁ¸E ‘from there’
ĆSI¸ȻES ‘two birds/new-dancers’
ĆSOU¸EḰ ‘two bundles’
ĆTÁT ‘ask someone’
ĆTÁTEṈ ‘be asked’
ĆTE ‘probably’
ĆTEMES ‘sea otter’
ĆTEMO¸ES ‘eighty’
ĆU¸ÁT ‘clever’
ĆX̱ISET ‘take apart’
ȻÁ¸ET ‘release it’
ȻÁ¸NEW̱ ‘drop it’
ȻÁĆEL ‘next day’
ȻÁĆELES ‘tomorrow’
ȻÁĆEṈ ‘yell’
ȻÁL ‘hide’
ȻÁLEṈ ‘hide’
ȻÁLES ‘hide it there’
ȻÁLET ‘hide’
ȻĆÁṈET ‘holler to someone’
ȻE¸ ‘inform’
ȻE¸E ‘expect’
ȻE¸Í¸E ‘realize’
ȻEĆÁ ‘therefore’
ȻEĆMIN ‘dancer’s rattle’
ȻEȻÁĆELES ‘tomorrow’
ȻEȻÁĆEṈ¸ ‘yelling’
ȻELEṈ ‘fly’
ȻEMȻEM ‘drum’
ȻEN ‘taken’
ȻEN¸ ‘enrapture’
ȻENÁL¸YEN ‘captain’
ȻENÁṈET ‘help someone’
ȻENÁṈETEṈ ‘be helped’
ȻENÁṈNEW̱ ‘manage to help’
ȻENȻONEṈET ‘run (pl.)’
ȻENET ‘take it’
ȻENETEṈ ‘be taken’
ȻENETEṈTW̱ ‘allow to be taken’
ȻENETTW̱ ‘let someone take it’
ȻENIṈ¸ET ‘running’
ȻENIT ‘hold’
ȻENITEṈ ‘be held’
ȻENNEṈ ‘be caught’
ȻENNEW̱ ‘manage to get it’
ȻENSISTEL ‘shake hands’
ȻESIḴEṈ ‘itch’
ȻEŦNIS ‘send to me’
ȻEŦNISE ‘send to you’
ȻEXENEḴ ‘bouncer’
ȻI¸E ‘unintentional’
ȻI¸EM¸EL¸ ‘reddish’
ȻIMEL ‘turn brown’
ȻINTEL ‘fight’
Ȼ͸YEX ‘move’
Ȼ͸YEXEṈ ‘move’
ȻȽHIŦ ‘long ago’
ȻȽIŦ ‘now’
ȻȽNIȽ ‘now’
ȻȽU¸NIȽ ‘soon’
ȻOSEN ‘star’
ȻOȾEȽ ‘untied’
ȻS ‘not particular article’
ȻSÁ¸E ‘not near nonvisible article’
ȻSE ‘the’
ȻSI¸ ‘inform’
ȻSI¸Á ‘near nonvisible article’
ȻŦE ‘feminine nonvisible’
DÁĆEK ‘get mad’
DÁȻEL ‘cross over’
DÁLU¸ ‘arm’
DÁȾEṈ ‘sour’
DEDȺ¸YEK ‘angry’
DEDXEṈ¸ÁL¸E ‘just six people’
DEM¸ ‘hit’
DEM¸NO‘manage to hit’
DEṈ¸O¸EṈ¸ ‘swimming’
DEṈO¸EṈ ‘swim’
DEQISTOṈE ‘take you home’
DEQISTW̱ ‘bring it home’
DEX ‘mistake’
DEXEN¸EḴ ‘habitually wrong’
DIL¸EḰ ‘strawberry’
DILEM ‘sing’
D͸K ‘angry’
DOM¸DEM¸ ‘suspicious’
DOQ ‘go home’
DXÁT ‘divide it’
DXEṈ ‘six’
DXEṈÁLE ‘six people’
DXEṈÁLETW̱ ‘six dollars’
DXEṈÁȽ ‘six times’
DXEṈIȻES ‘six birds/new-dancers’
DXEṈIȽĆ ‘six plants’
DXEṈOMET ‘six blankets’
E ‘yes/no question’
¸E ‘preposition’
OST ‘manage to be taught’
EL¸ÁLES ‘brothers’
ELÁ¸NEW̱ ‘hear it’
ELEḴÁL¸S ‘buying’
ELḴELO¸ ‘buy’
EȽENISTEṈ ‘be fed’
EȽENISTW̱ ‘feed it’
EȽTÁLṈEW̱ ‘person’
EȽTENEṈ ‘berry’
EMET ‘sit’
EMETÁU¸TW̱ ‘toilet’
EN¸Á ‘come’
EN¸ÁNESEṈ ‘be come for’
EN¸O‘bring it’
EN¸XSET ‘groaning’
ENEW̱ ‘stop’
EṈO¸S ‘give me’
EṈO¸T ‘give someone’
EPENÁLE ‘ten people’
EPENÁLETW̱ ‘ten dollars’
EPENÁȽ ‘ten times’
EPENIȻES ‘ten birds/new-dancers’
EPENOMET ‘ten blankets’
ESEB ‘end’
ESETW̱ ‘let me’
ESTOṈET ‘chosen’
ETOTEṈ ‘sleepy’
EWE ‘not’
EWENE ‘not exist’
EWETEṈ ‘be refused’
EWETW̱ ‘not to’
EWOTEL¸ ‘contestant’
EX ‘yuck’
EXIN ‘where’
EXINTW̱ ‘put it where’
EXOO¸ ‘yuck’
HÁ¸ ‘go ahead’
HÁ¸EQT ‘remembering it’
HÁÁ¸E ‘yes’
HÁLE ‘you (pl.)’
HȺ¸ ‘younger sibling’
HELI ‘alive’
HEȽNEȽ ‘darn you!’
HENEN¸ ‘humpback salmon’
HEW̱ ‘gee!’
HI¸U¸ ‘put in front’
HILEȻ ‘glad’
HILEṈ ‘fall down’
HILETTW̱ ‘let knock over’
HIŦ ‘long time’
HM ‘should’
HO¸ ‘hey’
HO¸T ‘warn’
HOĆET ‘stop on it’
HOḰ ‘smell’
HOO¸ ‘those present’
AḴSET ‘change self’
ÁNȻES ‘brave’
I¸E ‘usual’
͸MET ‘pretty’
I¸ȽĆÁL¸E¸ ‘ahead’
I¸ȽEN¸ ‘eating’
I¸NOṈET ‘do well’
I¸TO‘like it’
ICS ‘egg’
IĆET ‘ladle food’
IȽEN ‘eat’
IȽENNOṈET ‘finally eat’
INET ‘say what’
IṈES ‘grandchild’
IST ‘paddle’
ITET ‘go to bed’
IȾEṈ ‘dress’
IXET ‘scrape it’
IY ‘whoa’
IYES ‘nice’
ÍSCLIM ‘ice cream’
ÍY¸ ‘good’
JÁLEṈ¸ ‘get home (pl.)’
JÁN¸ ‘very’
JÁṈ¸ ‘get home’
JÁȾ ‘sew’
JE ‘apparently’
JEJEM¸I¸EL¸ ‘thin’
JEJ͸EṮ ‘short’
JEK ‘impress’
JEKENEḴ ‘show off’
JEȽ ‘typical’
JIL¸ET ‘taking it away’
JILET ‘take it away’
JISEṈ ‘grow’
JODE¸ ‘clam stick’
JOSEṈ ‘dislike’
KÁ¸ṈI¸ ‘girl’
KÁBET ‘bind’
KÁL¸ ‘believe’
KÁWESETTEṈ ‘be punished’
KE ‘emphatic’
KEJI¸ ‘moss’
KI¸XEL¸ ‘dark gray’
KIDE ‘swing’
KIKENEḴ ‘little darling’
KIL¸ ‘calf of leg’
KILET ‘daytime’
KIYL¸EṈ ‘ancient’
KOȻE ‘new-dancer’s stick’
KPEṈ ‘gather’
KPET ‘gather it’
KTOŦEN ‘go along the beach’
KX̱EU¸Ƚ ‘racing canoe’
₭EĆÁL¸ṈEN ‘very sick’
₭ELO¸EṈ¸ ‘kelp (pl.)’
₭EṈÁL¸S ‘borrowing’
IṈELE¸ ‘borrow’
IṈELE¸TW̱ ‘lend to someone’
₭IṈELO¸TEṈ ‘be lent’
₭Í ‘die’
ÍNEṈ ‘be killed’
ḴAḴ ‘baby’
ÁȻEṈ ‘rest’
ḴÁȻEṈNOṈET ‘finally rest’
ḴÁȻEṈNOṈETTW̱ ‘manage to rest it’
ÁM¸EL¸ ‘flood tide’
ḴÁN¸ ‘steal’
ÁN¸ḴEN¸ ‘thief’
Ⱥ¸YES ‘recent’
ḴBET ‘walking in front’
ḴE ‘nursing’
ḴEKÁL¸S ‘police’
ḴEL ‘spoil’
ELEL ‘get spoiled’
ELEṈ¸ ‘eye’
ḴES ‘immerse’
I¸ḴE¸ ‘soft’
IḴEYEX ‘little liar’
ḰÁL ‘talk’
ÁLṈET ‘give talking to’
ḰÁLTW̱ ‘talk to someone’
ḰEḰO¸STENEḴ ‘water boy’
EL¸ḰEL¸ ‘tell’
ḰEL¸NEȻEL ‘talk’
ḰELṈIT ‘speak to’
ḰO¸ ‘water’
O¸EṈ ‘get water’
O¸ḰE¸ ‘drink’
LÁ¸E ‘at a place’
LE¸ ‘past’
LECLI ‘key’
LELÁ¸NEṈ ‘hear’
LELEJ ‘yellow’
LELEṈIT ‘listen to’
LEMETU ‘sheep’
LEŚOS ‘angel’
LETÁM ‘table’
LIḰET ‘loosen it’
LIL¸ ‘far’
LISÁC ‘sack’
ȽAXET ‘serve food’
ȽÁ¸E ‘here’
ȽÁĆ ‘dark’
ȽÁĆSET ‘get dark’
ȽÁLEU¸ ‘flee (pl.)’
ȽÁNI¸ ‘girl baby’
ȽÁQEṈ ‘tasteless’
ȽÁU¸ELṈEW̱ ‘Mount Newton’
ȽÁU¸NES ‘make well’
ȽĆELI‘go along the edge’
ȽĆIȻES ‘tired’
ȽEȻÁL¸S ‘pecking’
ȽEKES ‘seaweed’
ȽELTOST ‘sprinkling’
ȽEM¸ȾÁL¸S ‘picking berries’
ȽEMȽEMEW̱ ‘rain (pl.)’
ȽEṈÁS ‘detach it’
ȽEṈNEȻEL ‘come apart’
ȽEȾITEṈ ‘be cut’
ȽEU¸ISTW̱ ‘run off with someone’
ȽEU¸ṈIT ‘flee it’
ȽEW̱ȽŚÁ¸ ‘thirty’
ȽEW̱ȽŚÁLETW̱ ‘thirty dollars’
ȽIQET ‘hook it’
ȽIȾ ‘cut’
ȽIȾET ‘cut it’
ȽIȾNEṈ ‘be cut’
ȽIȾNEW̱ ‘manage to cut it’
ȽIW̱ ‘three’
ȽKÁĆES ‘five’
ȽKEĆESȽŚÁ¸ ‘one of pair of hands’
ȽKEĆSÁLE ‘five people’
ȽKEĆSÁLETW̱ ‘five dollars’
ȽKEĆSÁU¸TW̱ ‘five houses’
ȽKEĆSIȻES ‘five birds/new-dancers’
ȽKEĆSIȽĆ ‘five trees’
ȽKEĆSȽŚÁ¸ ‘fifty’
ȽKEĆSOMET ‘five blankets’
ȽKEL¸ISTW̱ ‘convince’
ȽKET ‘wide’
ȽKIL¸ ‘sure’
ȽḴÁL¸J ‘moon’
ȽTE ‘we, first-person plural subject/possessive’
ȽȾITEṈ ‘be cut’
ȽW̱ÁLE ‘three people’
ȽW̱ÁLETW̱ ‘three dollars’
ȽW̱ÁȽ ‘three times’
ȽW̱ELIĆ ‘three bundles’
ȽW̱IȻES ‘three birds/new-dancers’
ȽW̱IȽĆ ‘three plants’
ȽW̱OMET ‘three blankets’
ȽW̱OU¸EḰ ‘three bundles’
MÁLI ‘Mary’
MÁN ‘father’
MED ‘bend’
MEDET ‘bend it’
MEDNO‘manage to bend’
MEL¸EḴT ‘forget it’
MELYITEL ‘marry’
MEMIM¸EN¸ ‘small’
MEQ ‘all’
MEQEL¸O¸ ‘wait’
MEQTW̱ ‘let all’
MESEN ‘gall bladder’
MESITEṈ ‘be chosen’
METULIYE ‘Victoria’
MEW̱ITEṈ ‘be shaken’
MIW̱ET ‘rock it’
MM ‘my!’
MO͸ ‘basket’
MOḰEṈ ‘swamp’
MUSMES ‘cow’
NÁ¸ETEṈ ‘being named’
NÁ¸LEJ ‘different (pl.)’
NÁJ ‘different’
NÁN¸ ‘bring someone’
NÁT ‘night’
NE ‘my, first person singular possessive’
NEĆEṈ ‘laugh’
NEȻE ‘you’
NEȻI¸LEYE¸ ‘you folks’
NEȻIM ‘red’
NEKIX ‘black’
NEḴEṈ ‘dive’
NEḰ ‘sleep’
NEḰNOṈET ‘finally go to sleep’
NENI¸ȽEYE¸ ‘they’
NEPENEḴ ‘advise’
NEŚW̱ELI ‘term of endearment’
NEȾÁȻETW̱ ‘one dollar’
NEȾE¸ ‘one’
NEȾI¸ȻES ‘one bird/new-dancer’
NEȾI¸EȽĆ ‘one plant’
NEȾOM¸ET ‘one blanket’
NEȾOU¸EḰ ‘one bunch’
NEU¸ ‘in’
NEW̱NÁT ‘midnight’
NI¸ ‘exist, be born’
NIȽ ‘he/she/it’
NIȽTW̱ ‘let them’
NO¸ȾE¸ ‘one person’
NOOS ‘nurse’
NOS ‘fat’
NU¸ILEṈ ‘going in’
AḴE¸ ‘snow on ground’
Á¸EḴ ‘pitch torch’
Á¸ḴE¸ ‘snowy’
ṈÁL¸ṈEL¸ ‘fish bait’
ṈEN¸ ‘many’
ENE¸ ‘offspring’
ENṈENE¸ ‘offspring (pl.)’
ṈESÁLE ‘four people’
ṈESÁLETW̱ ‘four dollars’
ṈESÁȽ ‘four times’
ṈESIȻES ‘four birds/new-dancers’
ṈESȽŚÁ¸ ‘forty’
ṈESOMET ‘four blankets’
ṈESOU¸EḰ ‘four bundles’
IṈENE¸ ‘offspring’
O¸ET ‘eating it’
ṈOS ‘four’
ṈOT ‘eat it’
‘being alone’
O¸ĆEṈ ‘slow’
O¸EX̱ ‘going to’
O¸MET ‘sitting’
OĆE ‘request’
OL¸ ‘limit’
OȽET ‘care for’
ONEȽ ‘agree’
ONEȽSET ‘agree’
OṈELE¸ ‘give away’
OṈES ‘give you’
OṈEST ‘give someone’
OO ‘oh’
OOȽ ‘go aboard’
OPEN ‘ten’
OPENÁLE ‘ten people’
OŦES ‘front’
OX̱ ‘go to’
OX̱TW̱ ‘take over to’
OYEN ‘iron’
OYENIṈEȽ ‘ironing’
OYEYEYE¸ ‘oh my’
PÁSTEN ‘America’
PEK ‘white’
PELÁNSEL ‘pencil’
PEPḴIYOŦEN ‘fruit fly’
PI¸ȻEN ‘barbecue stick’
PIPENTIṈEȽ ‘painting’
PITNEW̱ ‘recognize’
PÍSECEL ‘bicycle’
PḰȺ¸ ‘rotten wood’
PUC ‘book’
PUS ‘cat’
PUT ‘boat’
PW̱ITEṈ ‘be shaken out’
QÁ¸LES ‘warm’
QÁĆEṈ ‘fishy taste’
QÁDEN¸ ‘mouse’
QELEU¸ ‘skin’
QEȽ ‘spill’
QEȽ¸EȽTÁLṈEW̱ ‘fellow human’
QEN ‘see’
QEN¸ÁL¸S ‘looking for lice’
QEN¸ÁL¸STEṈ ‘being searched’
QEN¸N¸EU¸EL¸ ‘seeing each other’
QEN¸STW̱ ‘showing’
QEN¸T ‘looking at it’
QENÁLE ‘how many people’
QENÁȽ ‘how many times’
QENELO¸ ‘see’
QENESE ‘look at you’
QENESET ‘look at self’
QENET ‘look at it’
QENETEL ‘look at each other’
QENETEṈ ‘looked at’
QENETTW̱ ‘look after’
QENNEȻEL ‘see each other’
QENNEṈ ‘be seen’
QENNEW̱ ‘see it’
QENNOṈES ‘see me’
QENOȽ ‘gaze’
QENSIT ‘look at for’
QENSTENEḴ ‘display’
QEUYEȻ ‘fishhook’
QEYÁT ‘refuse someone’
QEYÁTEṈ ‘be refused’
QIN ‘how many’
QIȾ ‘butcher’
QOL¸EW̱ ‘chum salmon’
QOMQEM ‘strong’
ÁLEW̱ ‘elder’
ÁȽE ‘one here’
IȽEN ‘food’
S¸ISTW̱ ‘happen to it’
IȾEṈ ‘clothing’
S¸Í¸Ḵ ‘out of way’
ÍYEḴ ‘out of place’
OX̱E¸ ‘butter clam’
SÁ¸ ‘lift’
SÁ¸ET ‘lift it’
SÁ¸NEṈ ‘manage to be lifted’
SÁ¸NEW̱ ‘manage to lift’
SÁ¸WEN ‘provisions’
SÁĆS ‘aunt/uncle’
SÁȻES ‘put it’
SÁLES ‘hand’
SÁLEU ‘on beach (pl.)’
SÁN ‘someone’
SÁSU¸ ‘on the beach’
SÁT ‘order someone’
SÁU ‘get to the beach’
SÁW̱SEW̱ ‘lazy’
SȺ¸SI¸ ‘scared’
SCUL ‘school’
Á¸ĆE¸ ‘friend’
Á¸I ‘working’
ÁÁNEW̱ ‘salmon’
ÁLE¸ĆE¸ ‘friends’
SĆȺ ‘work’
SĆELÁNEṈ ‘ancestor’
OḰEȽ ‘burned’
OU¸EȽ ‘used’
SĆU¸ÁT ‘clever’
SȻÁ¸ ‘own’
ÁĆEL ‘day’
OME¸ ‘ratfish’
ONEṈET ‘a run’
SDȺ¸YES ‘Pender Island’
SDILEM ‘song’
SE¸ÁTEṈ ‘be lifted’
SEJNO‘be hit’
SEJNO‘manage to hit’
SELÁWE¸ ‘sad’
SEMOST ‘sell it’
SEMSEMÁ¸ÁLE ‘beehive’
SEMSEM͸E ‘bee’
SEN ‘I, first-person singular subject’
SENĆOŦEN ‘Saanich language’
SENTI ‘Sunday, week’
SEPLIL ‘bread’
SEU¸ḴEṈ¸ ‘whispering’
SEU¸W͸ḴE¸ ‘men’
SHELI ‘soul’
SHEM¸ ‘fog’
SI¸ÁM¸SET ‘get rich’
SI¸SȺ¸ṈET ‘scared of it’
SINEȽḴI¸ ‘flying lizard’
SJÁN¸ ‘very’
SJIN¸U¸ ‘annoyed’
SJ͸E ‘stick’
SJOṈEȽ ‘garbage’
SJOṈEȽÁLE ‘garbage can’
SJOSEṈ ‘dislike’
SKÁPEȽ ‘gathering’
SKEM¸EL¸ ‘paddle’
SKEX ‘out in the water’
S₭ELÁLṈEW̱ ‘blackberry’
S₭ELEṈ ‘barbecue’
S₭OṈI¸ ‘head’
SḴAXE¸ ‘dog’
SḴÁLEX ‘digging tool’
SḴEĆE¸ ‘catch’
SḴEȻEṈ ‘baked’
SḴEḴEWÁŦ ‘rabbit’
SḴELAXE¸ ‘dogs’
SḴEUEN ‘baking pan’
SḴILEṈ ‘go outside’
SḴOŦEṈ ‘go out’
SḰÁL ‘word’
SḰE₭ ‘scab’
SḰEḰEL¸ ‘sun’
SḰEḰEM¸X̱ ‘very skinny’
SḰEL¸ḰEL¸ ‘story’
SḰEM¸X̱ ‘skinny’
SḰOȽEȽ ‘washed ashore’
SLEHÁ‘bone game’
SLIḰEL ‘calm’
SLOL ‘intend’
ÁNI¸ ‘woman’
EMEW̱ ‘rain’
SȽEMW̱OLȻET ‘raincoat’
SȽEN¸Q ‘being shot’
ENEQ ‘gunshot’
SȽEṈ¸N¸EU¸EL¸ ‘separated’
OṈ¸ET ‘herring’
SMEĆE¸ ‘lump on a tree’
SMIȽE ‘spirit dance’
SMOQEĆ ‘Point Roberts’
SNÁ ‘name’
SNÁJEU¸EĆ ‘assortment’
SNÁT ‘night’
SNEW̱EȽ ‘canoe’
SNEW̱EȽOOȽ ‘go by canoe’
SNOU¸EȽ ‘inside’
SṈÁNET ‘stone’
SOȽ ‘door’
SONEU¸SE¸ ‘fireplace’
SOQEṈ ‘bathe’
SOTEĆ ‘north wind’
SPAKEṈ ‘flower’
SPÁ¸EŦ ‘bear’
SPĆO¸ ‘water-tight basket’
SPELḰIȾE¸ ‘screech owl’
SPOOL¸ ‘raven’
SQȺ ‘unable’
SQȺTEṈ ‘be refused’
SQȺTW̱ ‘refuse’
SQEQOTE¸ ‘crow’
SQOȾEȽ ‘crooked’
SQTO¸ ‘raven’
SŚTEṈ ‘a walk’
STÁṈ ‘what’
STÁṈEN ‘what with’
STȺ ‘canoe race’
STETO¸LEU¸ ‘creek’
STIḴIU ‘horse’
STḴȺYE¸ ‘wolf’
STO¸LEU¸ ‘river’
STOCEN ‘sock’
STOȻEȽ ‘broken’
STOLES ‘spouse’
STOMEŚ ‘warrior’
STOṈET ‘what do’
STOTEL¸EU¸ ‘creek’
STUP ‘stove’
IME¸ ‘ice’
Á¸EU¸TW̱ ‘Tsawout Reserve’
IW̱EṈ ‘pity’
OLEM¸ ‘bones’
SȾOM¸ ‘bone’
OM¸E¸Ḱ ‘skull’
SṮÁĆEȽ ‘below’
SṮÁLEḴEM ‘monster’
SṮĆOŦEN ‘chin’
SṮELI¸ṮȽḴEȽ ‘children’
SṮI¸ ‘like’
SṮI¸ṮEȽḴEȽ ‘child’
SṮO¸ṮEM¸ ‘correct’
SU¸- ‘so’
SUT ‘suit’
SWELIU¸LES ‘young men’
SWEL͸ḴE¸ ‘men’
SWEWILTEN ‘fishing nets’
SWIU¸LES ‘young man’
SW͸ḴE¸ ‘male’
SW̱ ‘you, second-person subject’
SW̱E¸ ‘humph’
SW̱EW̱ÁQTEṈ ‘drunk’
SXÁ¸ES ‘bad’
SXÁĆ ‘dried’
SXENE¸ ‘foot’
SXENXENE¸ ‘feet’
SXEXINE¸ ‘feet’
SX̱EN¸I¸EṈ¸ ‘how’
ŚÁ¸ŚEM¸ ‘drying up’
ŚÁMESET ‘dry self’
ŚÁMET ‘dry it’
ŚÁŚEM¸ ‘shallow’
ŚEJSEN ‘hit leg’
ŚELIPEN ‘knives’
ŚEMÁN ‘enemy, opponent’
ŚETEṈ¸ ‘walking’
ŚIŚEP ‘whittling’
ŚITEṈ ‘covet’
ŚJET ‘hit it’
ŚJETEṈ ‘be hit’
ŚJI¸ḰTEṈ ‘be hit on head’
ŚJISET ‘bushes’
Ś₭O¸ȻEȽ ‘canoe partner’
ŚḴET ‘finish it’
ŚO¸ ‘expression of surprise’
ŚOPT ‘whistle’
ŚTELEHOLES ‘glasses’
ŚTEMȻES ‘automobile’
ŚTEṈ ‘walk’
ŚTEṈISTW̱ ‘walk it’
ŚUȻE ‘sugar’
ŚW̱¸ÁȽE ‘where it is’
ŚW̱CUC ‘stove’
ŚW̱IMÁLE ‘store’
ŚW̱LÁ¸E ‘where’
ŚXEL¸ES ‘photograph’
TÁ¸ŦES ‘eight’
TÁĆEL ‘arrive here’
TÁLE ‘money’
TÁN ‘mother’
TÁṈ¸ES ‘crave’
TÁṈEN ‘evening’
TȻET ‘break it’
TEȻEW̱ ‘nine’
TEȻNO‘be broken’
TEȻNO‘manage to break it’
TEȻW̱ÁLE ‘nine people’
TEȻW̱ÁLETW̱ ‘nine dollars’
TEȻW̱EȽŚÁ¸ ‘ninety’
TEȻW̱OMET ‘nine blankets’
TELÁ¸E ‘there’
TEṈEW̱ ‘land’
TEṈEW̱EL ‘dirty’
TES ‘arrive there’
TETÁṈ¸EN¸ ‘evening’
TEŦSÁLE ‘eight people’
TEŦSÁLETW̱ ‘eight dollars’
TEŦSIȻES ‘eight birds/new-dancers’
TEŦSIȽĆ ‘eight plants’
TEW̱ ‘exactly’
TEXIN ‘which’
TEXIN¸ṈEN ‘which part’
TI¸Á ‘this’
TINTEN ‘bell’
TÍYEL ‘go upstream’
TḴÁLEP ‘fish traps’
TḴÁP ‘fish trap’
TO₭EṈ ‘cough’
TOOL ‘go over water’
TOWEN ‘town’
TSE ‘them’
Á¸E ‘medium distance article’
Á¸ENEṈ ‘that thing’
TŦE ‘specific article’
TŦEU¸NIȽ ‘the one’
ÍYE ‘that other’
TŦU¸NIȽ ‘the one’
TULE¸ ‘far article’
TUWE¸AXEṈ ‘suddenly’
TW̱ENAḴSEN ‘other side of a point’
TW̱ENEWEȽ ‘far side’
TW̱ESṈÁNETTW̱ ‘make it into a rock’
TW̱HÍ ‘soon’
TW̱₭ELÁLṈEW̱ ‘get blackberries’
TW̱SÁN ‘whose’
TX̱IN ‘go where’
TX̱INTW̱ ‘where take it’
ŦAXEṈ ‘sour’
ŦÁṈ¸EĆ ‘two hundred’
ŦE ‘feminine article’
ŦEḴI¸ ‘sockeye’
ŦEḴ͸ ‘sockeye’
ŦEL¸ḴT ‘sharing it’
ŦELEḴT ‘share it’
ŦELEḴTEL ‘share’
ŦELŦȽO ‘go to beach (pl.)’
ŦEPW̱EṈ ‘brittle’
ŦI¸ḰELO¸ ‘dig’
ŦI¸ŦEȽ ‘high’
ŦIȽEṈ ‘stand’
ŦȽEḰ ‘go through’
ŦȽO ‘go to beach’
ŦOḰEṈ ‘sweet’
ŦOLEṈ ‘go inland (pl.)’
ŦOṈ ‘go inland’
ŦOṈEN ‘eyebrow’
ŦOŦEN ‘mouth’
ŦQESET ‘stretch self’
ŦU¸NIȽ ‘the one, feminine’
ȾÁL¸E¸ ‘heart’
ȾE¸ȻENOȻEṈ ‘clean floor’
ȾE¸ȻOSEṈ ‘wash face’
ȾE¸ȻSÁLE ‘seven people’
ȾE¸ȻSÁLETW̱ ‘seven dollars’
ȾE¸ȻSIȽĆ ‘seven plants’
ȾE¸ȻSȽŚÁ¸ ‘seventy’
ȾEȻSIȻES ‘seven birds/new-dancers’
ȾELETTW̱ ‘let defeat’
ȾEW̱QES ‘twenty’
ȾICȾEC ‘wagon’
ȾIṈ¸EL¸ ‘close’
ȾKEṈ ‘drip’
ȾȽEQT ‘pinch’
ȾO¸ȻES ‘seven’
ȾO₭EṈ ‘rotten’
ȾOȽEṈ ‘cold’
ȾONEṈ ‘cold’
ȾSETEṈ ‘be punched’
ȾSIṈEȽ ‘nailing’
ȾXIT ‘pebble’
ṮAḴT ‘long’
ṮÁ¸ ‘also’
ṮÁĆ ‘deep’
ÁĆEȽ ‘bottom’
ÁȽEṈ ‘salt’
ṮÁS ‘belly’
ṮĆILEṈ ‘sink’
ṮEĆ ‘deep’
ṮE₭ ‘stuck’
ṮE₭T ‘sticking it on’
ṮEḴTEḴSEN ‘Saturna Island’
ṮELAḴT ‘long (pl.)’
ṮELÁ¸TEṈ ‘be looked for’
ṮEṮÁĆES ‘island’
EWEṈ ‘howl’
Ṯ₭ET ‘stick it on’
ṮLÁ¸EṈ ‘look for’
O¸OS ‘fetch’
O¸OST ‘fetch it’
ṮOM ‘manage to make it enough’
ṮOM¸ ‘enough’
UṮE¸ ‘less’
WÁ¸LEĆ ‘watches’
WÁĆ ‘clock, watch’
WE¸OĆ ‘guess’
WE¸OĆE ‘guess’
WEKEK ‘tree toad’
WEL¸WEL¸ ‘tippy’
W͸ḴE¸ ‘boy baby’
WO¸ ‘wonder’
WOĆ ‘guess’
WOOF ‘wharf’
ÁLEḴ ‘almost’
W̱ĆEMES ‘meet’
EĆET ‘wake’
W̱EĆETEṈ ‘be awakened’
W̱ELITEṈ ‘jump (pl.)’
I¸TEṈ¸ ‘jumping’
ILṈEW̱ ‘indigenous person’
INOṈ ‘be wakened’
ITEṈ ‘jump’
W̱Í ‘wake up’
ÍNEW̱ ‘manage to wake’
W̱JOȽEȽP ‘Tsartlip Reserve’
W̱KEȻILET ‘ride with’
W̱LEMI ‘Lummi’
W̱Ƚ₭OST ‘slap face’
W̱PEKT ‘bang it’
W̱SÁNEĆ ‘Saanich’
W̱S͸KEM ‘Tseycum Reserve’
W̱TÁLḴEN ‘answer’
W̱U¸Á ‘not yet’
XÁ¸EL¸S ‘Creator’
XÁ¸EL¸SNÁT ‘Sunday’
XÁ¸XE¸ ‘sacred’
XÁĆET ‘dry it’
XÁĆETEṈ ‘be dried’
XÁĆNEṈ ‘be finally dried’
XÁṮ ‘storm’
XĆÁL¸S ‘nosy’
XĆET ‘figure it out’
XĆIS ‘know me’
XĆIT ‘know it’
XEĆEN¸EḴ ‘nosy’
XEĆNO‘figure it out’
XEĆSOT ‘figure self out’
XEĆTTW̱ ‘let figure out’
XEL¸IṈ¸EȽ ‘writing’
XELOĆE¸ ‘lakes’
XEȽ ‘hurt’
XEȽTOṈE ‘feel sorry for you’
XEȽTO‘feel bad for’
XEM ‘heavy’
XEM¸W̱I¸ḰT ‘cut hair’
XEN¸ÁTEṈ ‘be told’
XEN¸O‘say to someone’
XEN¸TOL¸W̱ ‘say to us’
XEN¸TOṈE ‘say to you’
XEN¸TOṈES ‘say to me’
XENEṈ ‘say’
XESILEṈ ‘get angry’
XEU¸ES ‘new’
XEU¸SOLEȻEȽ ‘new-dancer’
XI¸XE¸ ‘embarrassed’
XILEX ‘war’
XITELEḴ ‘man’s name’
XIȾEL ‘embarrassed’
XPȺ¸ ‘cedar’
X̱EL¸₭ ‘drifting’
X̱EL₭ILEṈ ‘downstream’
X̱EN¸IṈ¸ ‘how’
X̱ENEȻÁ‘think so’
X̱EṈ ‘fast’
X̱EṈÁLEḴEN ‘swift water’
X̱IL¸ ‘get lost’
IL¸EM¸ ‘rope’
OLE¸ ‘reef net’
X̱OṈ ‘cry’
YÁ¸ ‘go’
YÁ¸LE¸ ‘woman’s name’
YÁY¸EQ ‘hiring’
YEḴ ‘hope’
YEḴLE¸ ‘ought’
YEŦOSSE ‘tell you’
YEŦOST ‘tell’
YEŦOSTEṈ ‘be told’
YEW̱ ‘presume’
YO¸E ‘no’
YO¸ET ‘warn’
YOO ‘bah’
YOŦ ‘always’

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