20 Comparison
In English, the equative construction uses this formula:
X is as QUALITY as Y
For example: The cat is as big as the dog.
The English comparative construction basically uses this formula:
X is QUALITYer than Y
For example: The cat is bigger than the dog.
In addition to equative and comparative constructions, languages have a way of comparing one thing to a whole group of things, as in ‘My dog is the biggest of the dogs.’ This kind of construction is called the superlative.
In English, the superlative uses this formula:
X is the QUALITYest of Y
For example: My dog is the biggest of the dogs.
A fourth type of comparison is different type of expression. This is the correlative comparison. This pattern does not compare two things, but states a correlation between two qualities, as in ‘The more, the merrier’ or ‘The harder you work, the stronger you get.’ The English pattern for this connects two phrases preceded by ‘the’:
the QUALITY1er, the QUALITY2er
The harder you work, the stronger you get.
In this section, we cover the formulas SENĆOŦEN uses in expressing equative, comparative, superlative, and correlative comparisons.