Paradoxes & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations

Curriculum Theorists

Curriculum Theorists

The biographies of the curriculum theorists linked to this page were created by curriculum studies graduate students at Texas Christian University.
  • 2020 - Jason Titus, Victoria Post, Rachel Brooks, Abby Reinhart, Avery Poore, Kellton Collins, Kim Mang, Bailey Flynn, Courtney Thomas, Sarah Olson, Madie Sandberg
  • 2018 - Ying Wang, Nathan Russel, Elissa Bryant, Michelle Prokof, Reinzi Reckling, Pilar Johnson, Natalie Platschka, MaryClaire Gray
  1. Contents
  2. Come with us on this journey...
  3. Pardoxes & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations
  4. Who Should We Read?
  5. References
  6. More...

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