Paradoxes & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations

William.F. Pinar

William.F. Pinar is a curriculum theorist who is credited with starting the reconceptualization of the field.  He and other curriculum workers in the 1970s sought to throw open the doors and invite multiple perspectives in the study of the curriculum, including history, politics, race, gender, sexuality, aesthetics. He taught at Louisiana State University, the University of Virginia and Colgate University before becoming Canada Research Chair at the University of British Columbia. He began his career as an English teacher before heading to Ohio State for his master’s degree, then Ph.D. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing.

A professor at the University of British Columbia, Dr. William Pinar is a well know advocate for curriculum studies and his research interest include: curriculum studies, gender studies, curriculum theory, and international studies. His lectures on curriculum have been presented at many universities such as Louisiana State University, Frank Talbott Professor at the University of Virginia, the A. Lindsay O’Connor Professor of American Institutions at Colgate University, Harvard University, McGill University, Universities of Chicago, Oslo, Tokyo, and Wisconsin-Madison. He has written numerous scholarly journals and publications and authors JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. This publication “is an interdisciplinary journal of curriculum studies. It offers an academic forum for scholarly discussions of curriculum. Historically aligned with the "reconceptualist” movement in curriculum theorizing, and oriented toward informing and affecting classroom practice, JCT presents compelling pieces within forms that challenge disciplinary, genre, and textual boundaries. 

Pinar is a prolific scholar. His published books include:Pinar speaks about the evolution of Curriculum Studies and how certain genres of curriculum have dissipated and others have been implemented over the years. He lectures on the curriculum reform and deform that policy makers such as George W. Bush have put in place to effect curriculum. 

What Is Curriculum Theory? (2004).
Pinar speaks about the evolution of Curriculum Studies and how certain genres of curriculum have dissipated and others have been implemented over the years. He lectures on the curriculum reform and deform that policy makers such as George W. Bush have put in place to effect curriculum. 

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