

A poetry writing script for
#100hardtruths-#fakenews #16 "Practice Strategic Contemplation" which itself refers to ideas discussed in "Cámara Retórica: A Feminist Filmmaking Methodology for Rhetoric and Composition" by Alexandra Hidalgo.

a two hour walk to generate a poem

1. create a list of activities (with an alarm) to go off every 5 minutes for 2 hours
2. Go for a walk
3. Observe the truth of your surroundings
4. Allow for associations that relate to your observations and record during or after walk
5. If vibrations occur, then answer phone and follow your own prompt
6. Forget Associations
7. Repeat until two hours are up

By Lisa Moren and Maro Perez 

This poem is a response to hardtruth #16:

#16: practice strategic contemplation

Hear Alexandra Hidalgo read this poetic response:

Alexandra Hidalgo reads and responds to "Practice Strategic Contemplation" ​​​​​​​

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