
An egg speaks

An egg speaks, fed on Thich Nhat Hahn, Joy Harjo, and FemTechNet 
by Jacque Wernimont 


Voice is perfect 
RESOLVE is now conflict, (and) 
Disappearance is peace. 
(With the) demise of content (and) fellow others 
We realized X. But dark means archive (and) 
Someone continues reduced. 
Image time well, 
identities abandoning 
Analysis of clouds; we will survive our history 
Internet is surface (and) morning remembers. 

This poem is a response to hardtruth #53:

#53, tame and disarm dangerous algorithms

Hear the author of hardtruth #53 read this poetic response:

Geert Lovkin reads An egg speaks

See Alex Juhasz respond in Podcast form to hardtruth #53:

We Need Gentle Truths for Now responds to hardtruth #53

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