Field Guides to Food

Kate Roberts, Volunteer Coordinator, on her Work, July 2012, all video

Kate Roberts, a member of the Senior and Retired Volunteer Program in Cottonwood County, talks with Peter Shea (for the Bat of Minerva) about her struggles with getting food to the hungry in a county where many people live below the poverty line. She discusses SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Program), the push to educate people on healthy food, the potential of community gardens, various forms of poverty, issues with distribution, and the most satisfying aspect of her work.

1. (0:00) Hunger in Cottonwood County (0m 0s in the edited version)
 How it all started (0:20) (0m 50s)
 The problem of transportation (1:06) (0m 59s)
 Getting the data (1:54) (1m 44s)
(3:21) Alleviating the problem (3m 12s)
 Working with Rural Advantages (3:28) (3m 18s)
 Farm to Table initiative (3:51) (3m 42s)
3. (4:24) SHIP (4m 12s)
 A lot of different angles (4:52) (4m 35s)
 Connecting farming to the people (5:39) (5m 31s)
 Promoting health on a corporate level (6:39) (6m 12s)
 Successes? (7:06) (6m 40s)
 Mostly in planning stages (7:17) (6m 51s)
 Small victories (7:26) (6m 56s)
 Individual plans (7:59) (7m 25s)
 A Food Policy Council (8:59) (8m 21s)
  Looking at community gardens (9:21) (8m 45s)
 Teaching healthy nutrition (9:29) (9m 1s)
4. (10:00) The most promising ideas (9m 24s)
 Community gardens (10:45) (9m 33s)
 Accessibility (10:54) (9m 42s)
5. (11:37) Successful community garden stories (10m 25s)
 None locally (12:09) (10m 32s)
 A possibility (12:16) (10m 39s)

6. (12:27) What does it take to make a community garden happen? (10m 50s)
 Someone to donate a portion of land (12:33) (10m 55s)
 Fencing & dirt, compost (12:54) (11m 7s)
 Tools (13:07) (11m 26s)
 Seeds (13:12) (11m 32s)
 SHIP grants and availability (13:20) (11m 41s)

7. (13:50) Will this help the hungry? (18m 37s)
 When it comes to seniors (14:32) (19m 19s)
  Too proud to apply for SNAP (14:52) (19m 39s)
 The potential of community gardens (15:40) (20m 25s)
8. (16:47) The other hungry (22m 2s)
 A generation ignorant of food (17:37) (22m 23s )
 Educating children (17:47) (22m 34s)

9. (18:36) Farm to School
 How it started (19:01)
10. (20:00) The other hungry, continued
 Classes (20:37)
11. (21:45) Issues with distribution (12m 21s)
 Working with the elderly (22:00) (12m 23s)
 Boxes (22:24) (12m 29s)
 Signing up (23:49) (14m 15s)
 The problem of transportation (24:29) (14m 50s)
 Barriers (25:10) (15m 15s)
 Minnesota Nice (26:04) (16m 2s)
 Those who don’t apply (26:36) (16m 28s)
 The mission (27:35) (17m 1s)
12. (28:09) Spreading awareness (18m 0s)
 Putting it in church bulletins (28:24) (18m 9s)
 Through family services (28:41) (18m 25s)
 Through neighbors (28:52)
 Through word of mouth (28:55)
 Not a full solution (29:41)
 Demographics (29:56)
 Working with farmers (32:19)
13. (33:39) The most satisfying part (26m 51s)
 “Someday people will have food” (33:54) (27m 2s)
 A struggle (34:18) (27m 23s)
14. (34:48) How do other programs fit into the picture? (27m 54s)
 Circles of Support (35:16) (28m 20s)
 The picture (35:57) (29m 1s)

15. (37:56) Social poverty (29m 57s)
 “People don’t like to ask for help” (38:29) (31m 14s)
 A particular problem with seniors (38:33) (31m 23s)
 “If you don’t know someone is in need, then you can’t help them” (38:54) (31m 39s)
 “It’s okay to ask for help” (39:23) (31m 50s)

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