Jill VanDerWal all videos
The transcript of this interview here
0:00- 0:31 Introduction: Produced and Directed by Peter Shea
Cattle and Crop Farmer in Sanborn, Minnesota
0:14- 2:05 Background of Jill VanDerWal
How she started farming and life history of the cattle business
2:07- 4:15 What’s your operation like?
Crop Farm (500 acre of corn) –some to feed cattle
Livestock Farm (Beef farm)
4:15-9:29 Daily life at the Farm
7 days a week of consistent feed to cattles
Cattle health and sanitation
9:29-15:45 Working with Animals day after day
Cattle breeding out problems (once in a while)
Animal Protection and Personal Safety
Cooperation and Experience
15:45- 22:36 Family Traditional Roles
Hard to be good at something you are not passionate about
Marketing Decisions
Cattle Unpredictability
22:36- 25:54 Health Treatment and Nutrition
Vaccine for Health Protection (really reduce illness with cattle)
25:54- 34:54 College Influence (How she got from college to working with cattle)
Business Degree
Job and Degree
Gender Influences on jobs (family background information)
34:54-40:53 World before Farming (Business Job before farming)
Doesn’t miss the corporate world
World after Farming
41:00- 49:56 Kids Issue
Attractions to kids taking over the cattle farm
Pressure and Family Issues
Farm may change over time
Surroundings around Farm (huge trade-off) –quiet place
49:56-60:40 (End) Harvest (different each year because of the weather)
Winter- more quiet and maintenance
Spring- Shipping cattles and planting starts
Fall- Cattle comes during this time
Summer- Crop Checking, hay making and maintenance
Weed Control
Short-term animal seasons
Contents of this path:
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This page references:
- Jill Van Der Wal 1 - Background
- Jill VanDerWal 4 - Working with Animals Day After Day
- Jill VanDerWal 5 - Family Traditional Roles
- Jill VanDerWal- Health Treatment and Nutrition
- Jill VanDerWal 8 - College Influence
- Jill VanDerWal 9 - World before Farming
- Jill Van Der Wal 2 - Whats your operation like?
- Jill VanDerWal 10 - Kids Issue
- Jill VanDerWal (end) - Harvest
- Jill Van Der Wal 3- Daily life at the Farm