Field Guides to Food

Bernhard Freyer: Bringing Social Sciences into Agriculture (Edited video, path includes trailer and full interview)

Agriculture belongs to the larger picture of the food system. As study of the food system as a whole progresses, the social aspects intertwine with the natural science of growing food. Bernhard Freyer discusses some of the ways that these social factors belong in agriculture alongside the natural sciences.

Bernhard Freyer is Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. He spoke at the IAS in 2011 for the conference on “How We Talk about Feeding the World“. In this video he discusses the importance of Social Sciences in agriculture explaining the agricultural system as one extending beyond Natural Science. He further explains his role as a researcher in the interdisciplinary nature of the farming system to include ethics and philosophy on the meaning of life.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Number references section in full interview; 0min0sec references time in full interview, ** indicates clip used in trailer)

2. (0:01) NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES RELATIONSHIP (1min4sec-6min40sec and 7min39sec in full)
 Human Beings and Society (0:29)
Dialogue and mutual learning (1:01)
 The Whole System and Lifestyle (1:40)**

4. (3:45) TRANSFORMATION AND SUSTAINABILITY** (8min55sec-11min30sec in full version)
 Changes on Earth (3:50)
 Energy Consumption and Lifestyle change (4:21)
3. (5:28) STUDYING THE WHOLE SYSTEM (6min45sec-8min54sec in full version)
 Organic Agriculture Systems (5:49)
 Farm embeddedness (6:12)
 Awareness and Research Focus (6:38)

6. (7:21) MONASTERY PROJECT (17min0sec-19min10sec in full version)
 Another Dimension to Research (7:38)
 Spirituality and Sustainability (8:00)

7. (9:19) SUSTAINABLE PROCESSES IN SOCIETY (19min12sec in full version)
 Implementation (9:24)
 Systemic Change (9:33)
 Organic Principles vs Organic Farming (9:56)

5 & 8. (11:00) LIFE AFFECTS OUTCOMES (12min3sec as well as 21min39sec in full version)
 Mutual discovery (11:32)
 Conditions of Life and Making Sense (12:00)**
 Modify and Adapting Innovation (14: 00)

9. (14:38) NICARAGUA APPROACH (30min54sec in full version)
 How is Life? (15:00)
 Migration Patterns (15:20)
10. (15:51) MAKING SENSE** (32min28sec in full version)
 What makes sense and risk assessment (16:01)
 Integrating sense into research (16:32)

11-14 (16:58) DEEPER REFLECTION ON SUSTAINABILITY (37min15sec-54min in full version)
 Freedom of nature (17:24)
 Satisfaction with what is (18:23)
 Organic Principles and attitude (18:53)
  Pressure to sell, produce, better (19:58)**
 Bringing new ideas into society (21:03)
 Participation (21:24)
 Communication (21:52)

See the Full Interview here:

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