5.2. Emphatic possession: SȻÁ¸
1) | NE SȻÁ¸. | ‘It’s mine.’ |
2) | SȻÁ¸ȽTE. | ‘It’s ours.’ |
3) | EN¸ SȻÁ¸. | ‘It’s yours.’ |
4) | EN¸ SȻÁ¸ HÁLE. | ‘It’s all of yours.’ |
5) | SȻÁ¸S. | ‘It’s his/hers/its/theirs.’ |
6) | NE SȻÁ¸ NE TÁN. | ‘It’s my mother.’ |
7) | SȻÁ¸ȽTE TÁNȽTE. | ‘It’s our mother.’ |
8) | EN¸ SȻÁ¸ EN¸ TÁN. | ‘It’s your mother.’ |
9) | EN¸ SȻÁ¸ HÁLE EN¸ TÁN. | ‘It’s you folks’ mother.’ |
10) | SȻÁ¸S TÁNS. | ‘It’s his/her/its/their mother.’ |
‣ 1 To form the emphatic possessive, add the possessive prefix or suffix to SȻÁ¸.
‣ 2 The emphatic forms shown in the examples could also be translated in English with ‘own’ as in ‘It’s my own mother,’ ‘It’s our own mother,’ and so on.
‣ 3 For the model 9, EN¸ SȻÁ¸ HÁLE EN¸ TÁN, it is also possible (and for some elders it is preferable) to say EN¸ SȻÁ¸ EN¸ TÁN HÁLE, with the HÁLE at the end. It is never good to use HÁLE twice, as in *EN¸ SȻÁ¸ HÁLE EN¸ TÁN HÁLE. (The asterisk in front of the sentence is used to indicate that it is ungrammatical.) In fact, this sounds awful to native speakers.
ȻENET E SW̱ ȻSE NE SȻÁ¸ NE TÁLE? | ‘Did you take my money?’ | |
EWE. NE SȻÁ¸ NE TÁLE. | ‘No. It’s my money.’ | |
SÁN ȻEĆÁ ȻȽ ȻENET? | ‘Who took it?’ | |
EWENE NE SXĆIT. | ‘I don’t know.’ |
5.2A. Translate each of the following into English. 1. ȻENITES E ȻSE NE SȻÁ¸ NE TÁLE? 2. SÁ¸ET ȽTE ȻSE SȻÁ¸ȽTE SNEW̱EȽȽTE. 3. NE SȻÁ¸ TŦE SḴAXE¸. 4. ŚTEṈ E LE¸ ȻSE SȻÁ¸ȽTE MÁNȽTE. 5. ITET E SE¸ ȻSE EN¸ SȻÁ¸. 6. IȾEṈ SE¸ ȻŦE NE SȻÁ¸ NE SÁĆS. 7. ȽIȾET E LE¸ SW̱ HÁLE ȻSE SȻÁ¸S SMÍYEŦS. 8. NEḴEṈ E LE¸ ȻSE SȻÁ¸S MÁNS. 9. XĆIT E LE¸ SEN ȻSEEN¸ SȻÁ¸. 10. JISEṈ ȻSE NE SȻÁ¸. 11. EN¸ SȻÁ¸ E EN¸ SḴAXE¸. 12. ȽÁU¸ SE¸ ȻSE EN¸ SȻÁ¸ EN¸ SMÍYEŦ. 13. ȻONEṈET ȻSE SȻÁ¸S SḴAXE¸S. 14. X̱OṈ E ȻSE EN¸ SȻÁ¸ EN¸ TÁN. 15. ŚJET E SEN ȻSE EN¸ SȻÁ¸ EN¸ SMÍYEŦ. | 5.2B. Translate each of the following into SENĆOŦEN using emphatic possessives. 1. Is my aunt going? 2. Lift your own canoe! 3. He is going to cut ours. 4. Is your aunt going to cry? 5. My mother will get dressed. 6. Will they drop theirs? 7. Did he take your money? 8. Did his run away? 9. He is going to dry yours. 10. Our mother dove. 11. The money is mine. 12. Is yours going to run? 13. You folks’ friend walked. 14. My father slept. 15. His dog jumped. |
5.2C. Write ten new SENĆOŦEN sentences with noun phrases using emphatic possessive forms. |