Civic ImaginationMain MenuThe Big Map: an Overview of the Civic ImaginationThe Big Map of Civic Imagination all over the worldNon FictionReal World Instances that inspire Civic ImaginationPopular Culture/FictionalCharacters, stories and fictional universes that resonate with communities and inspire actionMyth and FolkloreStories from cultures around the world that inspire Civic ImaginationReligiousStories based in faith and religionsMigrating the StoriesExplore the Big Map and then remix Imagination by migrating stories to new localesContributorsPeople who contributed stories to the projectGabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0Emilia Yang0306ec8482b0946a4ad881acf758effb11741533
Nicole L.
12016-07-19T23:23:03-07:00Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac7487891992I live in a very open minded family in which we follow certain traditions and are very opened and welcoming towards other culturesgoogle_maps2016-07-20T05:55:08-07:0047.070996, 15.438354Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7I live in a very open minded family in which we follow certain traditions and are very opened and welcoming towards other cultures, religions and simply people coming from different places of the world. My mom is an English and Latin teacher and in the place where she teaches there is also a home for refugees. Throughout the migration crisis Austria is witnessing one of the biggest immigration waves ever. A refugee kid named Kadur Kati, 19 years old, came to my mom's school throughout a local charity program. My mother regularly takes care of him and I sometimes give him German lessons. As I also spent a lot of time with Katur, he told me about his journey to Austria and how dangerious it was to finally get here, how long it took him and how many times he had almost drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. It was one of the most capturing stories I have ever heard and it is important to see and listen to the single fate a person like Katur is facing as opposed to looking at this crisis as a whole..
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12016-04-06T12:43:15-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0The Big Map: an Overview of the Civic ImaginationGabriel Peters-Lazaro15The Big Map of Civic Imagination all over the worldgoogle_maps2016-07-20T01:12:14-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
12016-05-20T12:05:12-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7ContributorsGabriel Peters-Lazaro7People who contributed stories to the projectgoogle_maps2016-07-04T12:26:20-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
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12016-07-26T01:27:58-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7Fox's Creek3On a hot summer night a community of animals were chased out of their home by a growing wildfire which started to burn down their forest. Mother Deer grabbed her young ones while the other animals rushed to cross the great river. Everyone showed their human instincts, pushing, kicking, and growling desperately on their way to safety. Mother Deer made it to the other side with Fawn but Mother Rabbit forgot one of her many young ones so she asked her for hegoogle_maps2016-07-26T01:30:24-07:0049.130542, -35.477824Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
1-07-19T23:27:00-07:00Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac74878Katur Kati2Katur Kati is 19 years old.google_maps2016-07-20T05:57:27-07:0034.557469, 18.361812Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7