Civic ImaginationMain MenuThe Big Map: an Overview of the Civic ImaginationThe Big Map of Civic Imagination all over the worldNon FictionReal World Instances that inspire Civic ImaginationPopular Culture/FictionalCharacters, stories and fictional universes that resonate with communities and inspire actionMyth and FolkloreStories from cultures around the world that inspire Civic ImaginationReligiousStories based in faith and religionsMigrating the StoriesExplore the Big Map and then remix Imagination by migrating stories to new localesContributorsPeople who contributed stories to the projectGabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0Emilia Yang0306ec8482b0946a4ad881acf758effb11741533
Fox's Creek
12016-07-26T01:27:58-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e791993On a hot summer night a community of animals were chased out of their home by a growing wildfire which started to burn down their forest. Mother Deer grabbed her young ones while the other animals rushed to cross the great river. Everyone showed their human instincts, pushing, kicking, and growling desperately on their way to safety. Mother Deer made it to the other side with Fawn but Mother Rabbit forgot one of her many young ones so she asked her for hegoogle_maps2016-07-26T01:30:24-07:0049.130542, -35.477824Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7On a hot summer night a community of animals were chased out of their home by a growing wildfire which started to burn down their forest. Mother Deer grabbed her young ones while the other animals rushed to cross the great river. Everyone showed their human instincts, pushing, kicking, and growling desperately on their way to safety. Mother Deer made it to the other side with Fawn but Mother Rabbit forgot one of her many young ones so she asked her for help. Mother Deer laid Fawn on the ground, promised that she’d be right back, and started swimming to the other side. The fire grew and Mother Deer was never seen again. Mother Rabbit took Fawn with her, but it was hard to feed a fawn that was eight times her size. Overwhelmed with her own and the lack of resources, she was forced to leave him on his own. He was left hungry, alone and cold. The creatures that were amongst him were unwilling to help him. On this new journey, he encountered an owl. Owl was the only one who made an effort to help, as he was also by himself; he was very wise and gave him much insight into life. The group they were traveling with traveled for weeks trying to find a shelter. Among these animals was a fox who was known for deceiving others in the group. When presented with two paths, the fox told Fawn that he knew which way was the right way to go. Fox had told him that he was told by the birds in the sky that they would reach a safe place if they took the left road. If Fawn decided to follow Fox, he would have to give him something in return. Owl advised him not to listen to Fox but he proceeded to disregard Owl. Feeling like his protector, Owl followed even though he knew what they were embarking on was a risk. Once he reached the end of the road they arrived at Fox’s Creek. Fox demanded payment however, they had nothing to give him. Fawn and Owl were never seen again.
Ethical Benefits and Challenges of Bringing These Stories Together
They provide a space of reflection to contemplate the horrors and struggle of the human condition.
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12016-04-06T12:43:15-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0The Big Map: an Overview of the Civic ImaginationGabriel Peters-Lazaro15The Big Map of Civic Imagination all over the worldgoogle_maps2016-07-20T01:12:14-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
12016-04-06T12:55:59-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0Migrating the StoriesGabriel Peters-Lazaro9Explore the Big Map and then remix Imagination by migrating stories to new localesgoogle_maps2016-07-21T08:36:29-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
12016-07-19T10:54:19-07:00Inae Joo52ffbcbf10706d2e9b6569ce2e40d5085b2408ecRafael DCBSangita Shresthova3Rafael Díaz Ceballos Boy is part of the International Baccalaureate IB Diploma Program, accredited by the SACS CASI, an accrediting division of the Advanced ED. Also, a B.A. student in communication and filmmaking at Universidad Iberoameircana, México city.google_maps2016-07-20T07:22:19-07:0019.422901, -99.136776Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
12016-07-19T09:12:11-07:00Inae Joo52ffbcbf10706d2e9b6569ce2e40d5085b2408ecJay BSangita Shresthova2I believe that being an open, honest, and accepting person is key to being your best possible self. Being selfless gets your priorities in order and helps you realize what is right and wrong.google_maps2016-07-20T02:26:04-07:0040.863634, -73.060293Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
12016-07-19T23:23:03-07:00Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac74878Nicole L.Sangita Shresthova2I live in a very open minded family in which we follow certain traditions and are very opened and welcoming towards other culturesgoogle_maps2016-07-20T05:55:08-07:0047.070996, 15.438354Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
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1-07-19T10:57:10-07:00Inae Joo52ffbcbf10706d2e9b6569ce2e40d5085b2408ecSisyphus6The story is about a man that’s punished by the gods for eternity. The punishment consists in pushing a rock uphill that eventually rolls back on him; crushing him.google_maps2016-07-20T07:28:58-07:0019.453494, -99.039251Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
12016-07-19T09:16:43-07:00Inae Joo52ffbcbf10706d2e9b6569ce2e40d5085b2408ecRemember the Titans2Remember the titans is based on a true story based in Virginia during 1971. It is about a High School that was becoming integrated and on top of that their football team was as well.google_maps2016-07-20T02:28:24-07:0037.381830, -78.995984Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
1-07-19T23:27:00-07:00Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac74878Katur Kati2Katur Kati is 19 years old.google_maps2016-07-20T05:57:27-07:0034.557469, 18.361812Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7