Civic ImaginationMain MenuThe Big Map: an Overview of the Civic ImaginationThe Big Map of Civic Imagination all over the worldNon FictionReal World Instances that inspire Civic ImaginationPopular Culture/FictionalCharacters, stories and fictional universes that resonate with communities and inspire actionMyth and FolkloreStories from cultures around the world that inspire Civic ImaginationReligiousStories based in faith and religionsMigrating the StoriesExplore the Big Map and then remix Imagination by migrating stories to new localesContributorsPeople who contributed stories to the projectGabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0Emilia Yang0306ec8482b0946a4ad881acf758effb11741533
Christina A.
12016-07-20T00:09:27-07:00Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac7487891991My parents are Lebanese and survived the civil war.google_maps2016-07-20T00:09:28-07:0033.895476, 35.500427Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac74878My parents are Lebanese and survived the civil war. They inspire me to never give up hope and follow my dreams. Since my dad works for the betterment of this very corrupted country, I want to use my education later to also make positive changes.
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12016-05-20T12:05:12-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7ContributorsGabriel Peters-Lazaro7People who contributed stories to the projectgoogle_maps2016-07-04T12:26:20-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
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1-07-20T00:12:24-07:00Emma Kehlbeckbcf61f0036041eb7d519b8bc29793858cac74878Story of courage and survival2The story is about my parents living during the civil war in Lebanon.google_maps2016-07-20T00:48:18-07:0033.895476, 35.500427Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7
12016-07-28T10:01:07-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7The Outlet1It is the civil war in Venezuela. Xena and her little brother, Gabriel, live in the city where Gabriel practices his art. Xena, wants to see her brothers art and asks him to go to his studio and bring it back. Just as he reaches the car, a bomb hits the car, killing Gabriel. Xena, being extremely close to her brother, blames herself for sending him to get his art. She later finds out that the bomb was planted by the Latin Kings gang. Out of revenge, she then joins the rival gang with her friend, Shepard. In an act of revenge, her gang plants a bomb. She later learns, that the bomb she planted blew up Shepard's parents house. Feeling guilty, and knowing that Gabriel would be disappointed in these actions, she decided to make a change. In honor of Gabriel, she picks up his art, and paints the entire country of Venezuela with beautiful street art. Through this art she finds peace. The art was so beautiful and happy, that it ended the civil war, and transformed into a happy, peaceful place to live.google_maps2016-07-28T10:01:08-07:007.094898, -65.972264Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7